Picture Credits 2019

December 2019
Supplemental illustration (29 December 2019): Calcedony (calcedonio) blown glass beaker, European, 1700-1799, Corning Museum of Glass, bequest of Jerome Strauss acc# 79.3.487

Chalcedony Glass (28 December 2019):
Ribbed vessel, chalcedony glass, seventeenth century, 20 cm. Collection of the  Museo del Monastero di Santa Giulia, Brescia Courtesy of Fondazione Marilena Ferrari. http://www.atlantedellarteitaliana.it/artwork-1479.html

The Blue Tower (26, 27 December  2019):
Fig 1:De Blauwe Toren 1865, Jozef Linnig, Museum Plantin-Moretus / Prentenkabinet,  nr. 3359/18 28/66
(photo by Bart Huysmans) http://www.collectieantwerpen.be/component/option,com_memorix/task,result/searchplugin,categorie/Itemid,2/Categorie,tekening/cp,41/lang,fr/pp,40/mrxpopup,1/CollectionID,1/PhotoID,FAM001005136/RecordID,974067/ResultRecord,405/resultplugin,detail/do,5/

Fig 2: Antwerpen, het Arsenaal, 1601-1653
Circle of Jan Wildens, Pen and brown ink, brown wash on paper. RKD Netherlands Institute for Art History
Illustration number 0000053843. https://rkd.nl/explore/images/27381

Fig 3: Blauwe Toren, Edmond Fierlants
Antwerpen, Belgium, 1860 Photograph, Courtesy of Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience

Gold Ruby Glass (25, 26 December 2019 ):
A gold florin.(1347) Photo courtesy of Wikimedia commons http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Fiorino_1347.jpg

Cranberry glass or Gold Ruby from the treasury chamber of the Wittelsbacher located in the Munich Residenz. 2010, Wikimedia foundation.(http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Goldrubinglas_Schatzkammer_M%C3%BCnchen.jpg)

Supplemental illustration: (24 December 2019): Anibal and Martin, from Neri's "Tesoro del Mondo" 1598-1699
Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections. http://www.gla.ac.uk/services/specialcollections/ordercopiesimages/#d.en.129979

A Band of Alchemists: (23 December 2019):
The Alchemist 1558, Pieter Brugle the Elder. British Museum, London, http://www.wikiart.org/en/pieter-bruegel-the-elder/the-alchemist

Supplemental illustration: (21 December 2019): The alchemist facilitates the growth of the metallic seed towards its two fruits or perfections—silver and gold. Emblem twelve from Michael Maier's Symbola Aureae Mensae, Frankfurt, 1617. http://www.aaroncheak.com/on-hermeticism/

Alchemy of Plants (29 December 2019): Antonio Neri, "Arts Preparatio frugu vel Piantar." in Tesoro del Mondo, f. 9r.Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections. http://www.gla.ac.uk/services/specialcollections/ordercopiesimages/#d.en.129979

Supplemental illustration: (19 December  2019): The alchemist (Adriaen Van Ostade) http://www.salvatorefiorillo.it/dailylife.html

The Dregs (18 December  2019):
"The struggle of fixed and volatile" allegorical illustration from Splendor solis [detail] 1582. British Library, London, (Harley MS 3469). Courtesy of http://bordel.haghn.com/Art/Illustration/Splendor%20Solis/

Supplemental illustration (17 December 2019) : Mater Dolorosa, Titian, 1554  Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain. (The Virgin Mary in a robe painted with precious ultramarine pigment)  https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mater_Dolorosa_by_Titian.jpg

Ultramarine Blue(16 December 2019) :
Photo: Krén, Emil and Daniel Marx, Web Gallery of Art. Frescoes in the Cappella Scrovegni , Padua by Giotto, 1306, via http://drawingatduke.blogspot.com/2012/10/giotto-di-bondone.html

Supplemental illustration: (14 December 2019): Sulfur crystal, from Agrigento, Sicily, Italy Photo by Eric Hunt 2006, courtesy of Wikimedia foundation https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Large_Sulfur_Crystal.jpg

Glass, Fire and Brimstone (13 December 2019):
Alchemical Symbol for Sulfur, created 2014 by Paul Engle in Photoshop. This image is in the public domain and may be used freely without attribution.

Supplemental illustration: (12 December 2019): Potash glass, 1619, engraved by Anna Roemers Visscher with a poem dedicated to the (later) father of astronomer and physicist Christiaan Huygens.  Rijksmuseum Amsterdam.  https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Roemer_met_een_gedicht_op_Constantijn_Huygens,_anoniem,_Anna_Roemers_Visscher,_1619_-_Rijksmuseum_-_BK-1983-15.jpg

Tartar Salt (11 December 2019): Potassium bitartrate crystals. Photo Courtesy of Vintner’s Cellar Waterloo http://www.vintnerscellarwaterloo.com/article/29/wine_diamonds_or_crystals_in_a_bottle.html

Supplemental illustration: (10 December  2019): Recovering and concentrating Vitriol from a mining operation in the 16th century, from Agricola, De Re Metalica (1580) http://www.chokier.com/IMAGES/ROCHER/Agricola-De_re_metallica-Couperose.jpg

Vitriol of Venus (09 December  2019): Copper Sulfate (vitriol of copper), courtesy of  Wikimedia Commons: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Copper_sulfate.jpg Photo by: ‘Stephanb’ http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benutzer:Stephanb

Supplemental illustration: (06 December  2019): Saturn, ruler of the signs of Aquarius and Capricorn, miniature attributed to Cristoforo de Predis (1440-before 1486) from the astrological book De Sphaera, lat manuscript 209, folio 5, verse, parchment, ca 1470. Detail. Italy, 15th century. http://symboldictionary.net/library/graphics/symbols/glossarysaturnus.jpg

Sulfur of Saturn (05 December  2019): Peter Paul Rubens c. 1630,  “Abundance (Abundantia).” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abundantia

Supplemental illustration (05 December  2019): Hematite Quartz from Orange River, Namibia. Hematite is a mineral form of iron oxide, here geologically intermixed in otherwise colorless quartz cristal, courtesy of https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hematite-Quartz-ckorqtz-34d.jpg

Crocus Martis (04 December  2019):
From Medicinisch-Chymisch- und Alchemistisches Oraculum, Ulm, 1755. Courtesy of The Alchemy Website, http://www.levity.com/alchemy/alchemical_symbols06.html

Supplemental illustration (03 December 2019): Famous mirror room of the Golestan Palace, the former royal Qajar complex in Iran's capital city, is located in Arq Square in Tehran.  http://historicaliran.blogspot.com/2011/03/golestan-palace.html

Adam Olearius (02 December 2019):
Adam Olearius (1599-1671), 18th century engr, Attr. unknown, source: http://www.aschersleben-tourismus.de/cms/persoenlichkeiten/adam-olearius/  (Probably a copy of: 1669 oil on canvas portrait by Juriaen Ovens (1623-1678) ) see: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Adam-Olearius.jpg .

November 2019
Supplemental illustration: (30 November  2019): Ancient glass bottle Sidon, (c.150-300 CE) Louvre, Paris Musée du Louvre, Atlas database: entry 4565. Photo Marie-Lan Nguyen (2006), courtesy Wikimedia https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bottle_ivy_Louvre_MND505.jpg

The Discovery of Glass (29 November  2019): "The Discovery of Glass" Giovan Maria Butteri, from The Studiolo of Francesco de' Medici.c.1572  (no. 27 in below link). http://museicivicifiorentini.comune.fi.it/en/palazzovecchio/visitamuseo/studiolo_francesco_i.htm

Supplemental illustration (28 November  2019): Antonio Neri, 1598-1600, 
MS Ferguson 67, f. 37r. University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.

The Sisters of an Alchemist (27 November  2019): Portrait of the Egerton Sisters, Elizabeth, Vere and Mary Egerton; English School, c. 1601. http://amapx.tumblr.com/post/117259364400/jeannepompadour-portrait-of-the-egerton

A Matter of Plagiarism (25, 26 November  2019):
Francesco Lana Terzi (1631-1687), Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons (Italy). http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Lanadeterzi.jpg

Title page of Lana Terzi's Prodromo, Courtesy of Internet Archives. https://ia700808.us.archive.org/zipview.php?zip=/4/items/olcovers598/olcovers598-L.zip&file=5980348-L.jpg

Supplemental Twitter illustration (23 November 2019): Joachim Beuckelaer 1569- The Four Elements-  Courtesy Google Art Project . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joachim_Beuckelaer#/media/File:Joachim_Beuckelaer_-_The_Four_Elements-_Fire_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg

Alchemy in the Kitchen (22 November 2019):
Antonio Neri, 1598-1600, Tesoro del Mondo, "Ars Preparatio Animalium”, MS Ferguson 67, f. 10r (detail). Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections. http://www.gla.ac.uk/services/specialcollections/ordercopiesimages/#d.en.129979

Supplemental illustration (21 November 2019): The Beguines' hospital of Malines in Mechelen, Belgium in the 19th century. Source unknown.

The Béguines of Malines (20 November 2019):
A Béguine of Antwerp, from Pierre Hélyot, L'Histoire des ordres monastiques… 1719 (v.8) Courtesy of Google Books: http://books.google.com/books?id=9DQGAAAAQAAJ

Caterina Sforza (18-19 November 2019): Portrait of Caterina Sforza, by Lorenzo di Credi (c.1463-1509)
Now in the Museum of Forlì (Pinacoteca Civica di Forlì, Italy)
Photo courtesy of: http://www.asn-ibk.ac.at/bildung/faecher/geschichte/maike/monalisa/genealogy/073.htm
Via Wikimedia Commons http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Caterina_Sforza.jpg

Sandro Botticelli, Primavera (1498) Courtesy of Uffizi Gallery, Florence, via Wikimedia Commons http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Botticelli-primavera.jpg (detail - rightmost of the three graces)

Women in Alchemy ( 15, 16  November  2019):
Antonio Neri, "Libro intitulato Il tesoro del mondo di Pietre Antonio Neri" (MS Ferguson 67, GB 0247, Glasgow University Library, Special Collections, 1598-1600) f. 25r, 35r, 37r.

Supplemental illustration:  (14 November  2019): H K Mulford advertising card showing vaccine was made in an adjacent facility to the glassworks. #WomenInSTEM #glass

Anna J. Agnew, Champion GlassBlower (13 November  2019): “Girl Champion Glassblower” Chicago Tribune: Chicago, Illinois, 9 March 1902, p. 43.

Supplemental illustration: (12 November  2019): Red House Cone glass museum, of a similar design but larger than the nearby site of the former Audnam glasshouse. Courtesy of Wikipedia.

Guest Post: Kate Round (11 November 2019): Map of Stourbridge area canal system incl. Audnam Glassworks cone, 1774 map by Robert Whitworth. courtesy of "Old Maps of Stourbridge" blog http://www.oldstourbridgemaps.kjdocs.co.uk/

Supplemental illustration: (November  2019): Victorian lamp-worked glass ship and lighthouse (frigger) standing 48cm tall belonging to DMBC Museum Service. Courtesy of Kate Round.

Mrs. Johnston, 18th Century Fancy Glassblower (November  2019): Female fancy glass blower at the oil lamp. attribution unknown. Courtesy http://www.untamedrose.com/content/about-art

Supplemental illustration (7 November  2019): Nef, or navicella. First half of 16th century, possibly by Arminia Vivarini.  Museo del Vetro, Murano, Venice Italy.  http://museovetro.visitmuve.it/it/il-museo/percorsi-e-collezioni/vetro-xv-xvi-xvii-secolo/

Arminia Vivarini (6 November 2019): Nef Ewer, Late 16th century, Murano Italy. Image courtesy of the Milwaukee Art Museum.

Thomas Edison's Lady Glass Workers (4-5 November 2019):
Fig. 1: Sealing the Glass Socket and Carbon Filament into the Flask of an Incandescent Lamp. 1889, Scribner's Magazine v. 6
Fig. 2: Laboratory notebook entry signed solely by Mina Edison.
Fig. 3: Wanted ad for Edison’s Harrison Lampworks factory. The Boston Globe (Boston Massachusetts) 22 June 1894, Fri., p. 9.
Fig. 4: Finishing work on tungsten lamps, c.1927.

Supplemental illustration (2 November 2019): Detail of Dragon-Stem Goblet, Venice, Italy, 1630-1670. Courtesy of Corning Museum of Glass 51.3.118.

Sara Vincx (1 November 2019):
Detail from: Roses and an iris in a glass vase, crabs and prawns on a pewter platter, a Facon-de-Venise wineglass, a stoneware ewer, a bunch of grapes. By Alexander Adriaenssen b. 1587, Antwerp, d. 1661, Antwerp

October 2019
Supplemental illustration (31 October 2019): Calcedony (calcedonio) blown glass beaker, European, 1700-1799, Corning Museum of Glass, bequest of Jerome Strauss acc# 79.3.487

Witch's Brew of Glass (30 October 2019):
Glass pumpkin evocative of chalcedony glass. Photo courtesy of  Smithsonian Museum store. http://www.smithsonianstore.com/art-glass-pumpkin-80481.html?&search=pumpkin

Supplemental illustration (29 October 2019): Domenico Ghirlandaio, tempera on wood 1483. Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints, from San Giusto Alle Mura, Florence. Now Galleria degli Uffizi, courtesy Wikimedia commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Domenico_Ghirlandaio_Madonna_and_Child_enthroned_with_Saint_c_1483.jpg

San Giusto Alle Mura (28 October 2019):
Window of  Santa Maria del Fiore cathedral, Florence, Italy. Window detail of Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence. Photo by Georges Jansoone, courtesy  of Wikimedia Commons. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Stained_glass_windows_in_Santa_Maria_del_Fiore_(Florence)#mediaviewer/File:Santa_Maria_del_Fiore_colour_glass_(1623723568).jpg

Supplemental illustration: (26 October 2019): MS Ferguson 67, Antonio Neri, 1600. Courtesy of

We Were Trojans (25 October 2019):
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo or 'Giandomenico Tiepolo' (1727-1804), "Procession of the Trojan Horse in Troy", Wikimedia foundation, (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Giovanni_Domenico_Tipeolo,_Procession_of_the_Trojan_Horse_in_Troy._1773..jpg)

Supplemental illustration: (24 October 2019): The Medici Glass Workshop (detail) in the Galleria dei Lavori of the Uffizi. Giovanni Maria Butteri (Italian, 1540–about 1606), 1570. Palazzo Vecchio, Studiolo of Francesco I.

Galleria Lavori (23 October 2019): Giovanni Stradano, alias Jan van der Straet (1523-1605), "Alchemy Studio" (1570). Palazzo Vecchio (Studiolo), Florence. Courtesy of Uffizi/Palazzo Vecchio, Florence.

True Colors (21,22 October 2019):
The European Roller [Pica Marina] Photo: Mehmet Goren, Pica Marina. Courtesy of Mehmet Goren. http://www.trakus.org/kods_bird/uye/?fsx=2fsdl15@d&idx=4193#.Uij5udKsjTo

Pica marina, Ulisse Aldrovandi, "Le tavole acquerellate di Ulisse Aldrovandi Tavole vol. 002 Animali ..." Manoscritto, Parnassus Scientiarum, Catalogue of the Waller Collection of History of Science and Medicine, Edited by Marco Beretta and Andrea Scotti Interface editor Daniele Nuzzo, Courtesy  of the University of Bologna. http://www.filosofia.unibo.it/aldrovandi/pinakesweb/compdetail.asp?compid=3521

Supplemental illustration: (19 October 2019): Dutch Factory at Surat as seen in April 1629. Plagerized / Reproduced by J.A. von Mandelso and labelled 'English factory' after an original etching by Pieter van den Broecke (1585-1640), a Dutch cloth merchant in the service of the Dutch East India Company in Korte Historiael ende Journaelsche Aenteyckeninghe published in Amsterdam, 1634. The only difference between the Mandelso and Broecke images is the distribution of people passing in front of the building. Image credit: British Library: 10095.aaa.49, p. 121 http://www.heritageinstitute.com/zoroastrianism/parsi/surat2.htm

Thévenot in India (18 October 2019): Antique gold finger Ring Arsi Rajasthan India http://www.ebay.com/itm/Rare-Vintage-antique-20-carat-Gold-finger-Ring-Arsi-Rajasthan-India-/380447781358

Supplemental Twitter illustration: (17 October 2019): Glass Ewer with cameo-cut ornament.
Translucent pale green over colorless glass. Blown, cased, wheel-cut, probably drilled, ground, and polished. Persia or Egypt, produced between about A.D. 975 and 1025. Courtesy of Corning Museum of Glass https://www.cmog.org/article/corning-ewer

Thévenot Continues East (16 October 2019): Stained glass windows of the Nasir al-Mulk 'Pink Mosque', Shiraz, Iran. Photo by Domiri Mohammad Reza Ganji. http://iranbusinessportal.com/stunning-photos-by-an-iranian-physicis/

Supplemental illustration (15 October 2019): The Hedwig beaker at the British Museum, the style is thought to originate in Sicily  in the 10th to 12th century.  but the exact origin of the glasses is disputed, with Egypt, Iran and Syria all suggested as possible sources. https://www.britishmuseum.org/research/collection_online/collection_object_details.aspx?objectId=217275&partId=1

Travels To The East (14 October 2019): 
Jean de Thévenot, from "Relation d'un voyage fait au Levant" Frontispiece, Thévenot, Jean de. Relation d’un voyage fait au Levant. Paris: L. Billaine, 1665 Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jean_de_Th%C3%A9venot_(1664).jpg

Supplemental  illustration: (12 October 2019): http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Orto_botanico_di_Pisa_-_old_instiitute.JPG  Orto botanico di Pisa - old institute building. Pisa, Italy. Photo by "Daderot" 2006, GDFL.

Neri in Pisa (11 October 2019):
Grotesque style Euer by Niccolo Sisti, Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza. Photo 2009, Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, the Wikimedia OTRS system, ticket #2009032510047417. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pisa_Nicol%C3%B2_Sisti_1590c_21511.JPG

Supplemental illustration (10 October 2019): Turquoise glass goblet, Venetian, c1490, 19cm tall. British Museum collection. http://britishmuseum.tumblr.com/post/121113973422/turquoise-glass-goblet

Turquoise Glass (09 October 2019):
Turquoise glass stamp of calif Mustadi 1170-1180. Photo by PHGCOM, 2009, at British Museum. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Turquoise_glass_stamp_of_calif_Mustadi_1170_1180.jpg

Supplemental Twitter illustration: (08 October 2019): "Dr. Syntax in the Glasshouse", by Thomas Rowlandson, published by Ackermann, 1820 12x20cm.

Weights and Measures (07 October 2019):
"The Proclamation regarding Weights and Measures A.D. 1556" by Ford Madox Brown, a mural at Manchester Town Hall. Courtesy of Wikimedia commons. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:BrownManchesterMuralProclamation.jpg

Reflections on the Mirror (04 October 2019):
[1]Jan van Eyck, The Arnolfini Portrait (1434), National Gallery, London, courtesy of Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Van_Eyck_-_Arnolfini_Portrait.jpg

[2] Detail of same.

Supplemental Twitter illustration: (03 October 2019):
Main entrance (detail) of Casino di San Marco, Florence, Italy. Macaque monkey over entrance embodies the playful spirit of discovery practiced inside. Photo by  "Sailko" 2007, via Wikimedia https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Casino_di_san_marco,_scimmietta.JPG

Casino di San Marco (02 October 2019):
Courtesy of ARCHIDIS - Fondo disegni tecnici del Comune di Firenze. Direction de Toscana place de Florence. Coupe du casin de S. Marc, prise sur la ligne. Cart. 5 tavola 1. sul retro: classe 1° Casino di S. Marco. n. 3 piante del casino della Livia - cav. Mazzei. Amfce 0533 (cass. 16 ins. A2). (http://opac.comune.firenze.it/).

Supplemental illustration  (01 October 2019):  Antonio Neri, "L'Arte Vetraria…" (Firenze: Giunti, 1612), p. i. (title page) https://books.google.com/books?id=XcnYJuJpMbEC

Sepetember 2019
A Deeper Accomplishment   (30 September 2019): 
From Antonio Neri, "Treasure of the World" MS Ferguson 67, f. 22r. Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.

Supplemental Twitter illustration (26 September 2019):  Ruins of the paper mill at Pescia, Italy © All Rights Reserved by brezza, 2004.  http://www.panoramio.com/photo/5211031

Sonnet for a Barber (26 September 2019):
Bust portrait of Luigi [Lodovico?] Domenechi facing right set within an elaborate cartouche Engraving. Italian, 'Medaglia del [Antonio Francesco]Doni' print made by: Enea Vico, 1550-1564.  Courtesy of  the British Museum, inventory #1867,1012.650.

Supplemental illustration: (25 September 2019): Cardinal de Richelieu, Philippe de Champaigne 1641. courtesy of wikimedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardinal_Richelieu#/media/File:Cardinal_de_Richelieu_mg_0053.jpg

Vitrum Flexile (24 September 2019): Roman Emperor Tiberius - Glass paste cameo c 20ACE by "Herophilos, Son of Dioskurides. Courtesy https://www.pinterest.com/pin/354799276865127678/

Supplemental Twitter illustration (23 September 2019): Oculus above the portal of the White Penitents Chapel in Montpellier, France. Stained glass window featuring the Holy Spirit, as a dove, symbol of the Confraternity and motto: "Spiritus Sanctus ubi vult spirat". [The Holy Spirit blows where it wishes] 17th century. Photo courtesy Wikimedia. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sainte-Foy,_chapelle_des_P%C3%A9nitents_blancs_de_Montpellier._Oculus_du_Saint-Esprit_symbole_de_la_Confr%C3%A9rie.jpg

Montpellier (22 September 2019):
Engraved view of Montpellier, France, in the seventeenth century. German, 1660. Attribution unknown, http://www.museeprotestant.org/en/notice/the-last-religious-wars/

Supplemental Twitter illustration (21 September 2019): Georges de La Tour’s The Fortune Teller c.1630. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York http://www.abcgallery.com/L/latour/latour33.html

Alchemist's Assistant (20 September 2019):
Spine of Agnolo della Casa, BNCF MS. Palatino 867 [756 - 21, 2.] Serie Targioni, II, v. 3. Courtesy of Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze.

Supplemental illustration (19 September 2019): Paste gem and gold finger ring, 1600s, courtesy of The Museum of London, via https://www.pinterest.com/pin/76772368617930715/

Artificial Gems (18 September 2019):
Pendant, paste gems, Portugal ca. 1750. V&A acquisition nr.M.68-1962 http://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O113043/pendant-unknown/

Supplemental illustration: (17 September 2019): Potassium bitartrate crystals -commonly known as wine diamonds.  Courtesy of the Austrian Centre for Electron Microscopy and Nanoanalysis F E L M I - Z F E: Greetings from kitchen. July 29, 2015 · https://www.facebook.com/1607499066168368/photos/a.1613920892192852.1073741831.1607499066168368/1629293257322282/?type=3&theater

Scraping the Barrel (16 September 2019):
4th century BCE philosopher Diogenes, “Alexander and Diogenes” 1792 painting by Gaetano Gandolfi (1792). Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Gaetano_Gandolfi_-_Alexander_and_Diogenes.jpg

Supplemental illustration: (13 September 2019): Ticino paver stones in Pavia, Italy Photo courtesy of Kaanz photography,  www.facebook.com/kaanzphotography

Pebbles from Pavia (12 September 2019):
William Pars (1742‑1782) “A Bridge on the River Ticino, near Polleggio” c.1770. Graphite and watercolor on paper Image courtesy  of the Tate Museum, London.  http://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/pars-a-bridge-on-the-river-ticino-near-polleggio-t08276
Supplemental illustration: (12 September 2019): Stained glass window of Marc Chagall's work at the U.N. Image courtesy of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:UN_Glass.jpg

Zaffer: (11 September 2019) Antique Apothecary Pharmacy Bottles Cobalt Blue https://www.pinterest.com/pin/258605203572745183/

Washing Molten Glass 9, 10 September 2019):
Washing, sorting and carrying cullet, from Denis Diderot 1772. Recueil des planches sur les sciences, les arts libéraux, et les arts mechaniques : avec leur explication, v. 10, plate 16. Paris : Briasson, 1772. Image courtesy of Corning Museum of Glass, featured (fig.3) in “Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Women Working with Glass,” http://www.cmog.org/article/breaking-glass-ceiling-women-working-glass

Supplemental Twitter illustration (7 September 2019): The four elements in alchemy are portrayed in Johann Daniel Mylius’ Philosophia reformata (1622) as representing the four stages of the alchemical opus. From left to right are earth, water, air and fire.

Primordial Matter (6 September 2019)
Mining practices, from Georgius Agricola (Georg Bauer), De Re Metallica 1556, Image courtesy of University of Arizona Mineral Museum. http://www.uamineralmuseum.org/exhibits/demonmonier/rare-book-collection/  (1540 ed is here: http://books.google.com/books?id=PUo8AAAAcAAJ )

Supplemental Twitter illustration (5 September 2019): Covered goblet decorated with the reticello technique. Probably Venice, late 17th–early 18th century. H. 27.7 cm, D. (cover) 9.5 cm. The Corning Museum of Glass (79.3.174, gift of The Ruth Bryan Strauss Memorial Foundation).  http://renvenetian.cmog.org/chapter/18th-century-decline

Reticello (4 September 2019):
Reticello by Aaron Tate http://www.aarontate.com/ , Photo (c) by David Lindes courtesy of David Lindes. http://www.flickr.com/photos/lindes/78440530/.

Supplemental Twitter illustration (3 September 2019): Dino Martens (Italian, 1894–1970), vase in opaque white with black threads. Courtesy of Artnet auctions.

Filigrana (2 September 2019): Mezza Filigrana footed vase, circa 1950s, by Dino Martens (1894-1970) for Aureliano Toso. http://www.artnet.com/artists/dino-martens/past-auction-results

Flameworked filigrana style miniature vessels by Emilio Santini, Photo courtesy of the artist.

August 2019
Incalmo (30, 31 August 2019): Tapio Wirkkala for Venini: Incalmo Bolle,  http://designgush.com/2011/03/30/tapio-wirkkala-for-venini-incalmo-bolle-copy/

Murano. 'A canne di filigrana ed incalmo' plate, 16th century. D. 28.3 cm. Clear glass, fused clear glass rods, opaque white threads and spirals. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/item/30038985_a-canne-di-filigrana-ed-incalmo-plate-16th-century

http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/works-of-art/08.138.2 From www.metmuseum.org -  Abbasid period (750–1258), 9t–10th century Iraq or Syria. Glass, greenish yellow, blown in two parts, impressed with tongs

Supplemental illustration (29 August 2019): Jacopo Ligozzi,1518,  fanciful glass vessels, ink and watercolor on paper. Galleria degli Uffizi. http://www.atlantedellarteitaliana.it/artwork-12537.html

Cross Pollination (28 August 2019):
The art of stonework, from MS Ferguson 67, f. 7r, (1598-1600)
Antonio Neri. Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections. http://www.gla.ac.uk/services/specialcollections/ordercopiesimages/#d.en.129979

Supplemental Twitter illustration: (27 August 2019): Modern recreation of Rosichiero glass by
Márcia Vilarigues, @MVilarigues; Svven Dupre  @DupreSven; Thijs Hagendijk, @ThijsHagendijk & @ArtechneProject

Rosichiero Glass (26 August 2019):
Venice Sunset, Artist unknown, courtesy of "free wallpaper" at http://www.artworkslimitededitions.co.uk/desktopwallpaper.php - Please contact me if you know the artist.

Supplemental Twitter illustration (24 August 2019): Orto Botanico (botanical gardens) at Pisa Attribution of image unknown,  courtesy of http://www.italianbotanicalheritage.com/it/scheda.php?struttura=752

Botanical Gardens (23 August 2019):
Rudolf II as "Vertumnus" by the Milanese painter Giuseppe Arcimboldo. (c. 1590), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Arcimboldovertemnus.jpeg

Supplemental illustration: (22 August 2019): - One of the isolation cells in the Bargello Prison (Florence, Gabinetto Fotografico) Courtesy of http://www.edwardgoldberg.net/p/story-begins.html

The Duke's Mouthwash (21 August 2019):
Ferdinando de’ Medici (1549-1609), Scipione Pulzone (1544 - 1598), Private collection. http://www.artfact.com/auction-lot/scipione-pulzone,-portrait-of-ferdinando-de-medi-1116-c-d137af3e89

Supplemental Twitter illustration (20 August 2019): A Masonic flask made at the Kene, New Hampshire, glassworks where Henry schoolcraft was superindentant following his time at Lake Dunmore, in Vermont.

"Glass" A Poem by Henry Schoolcraft (19 August 2019): Portrait of Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, frontispiece from Notes on the Iroquois: Or, Contributions to American History, Antiquities, and General Ethnology, by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. (Albany: E. H. Pease & Company, 1847), p. ii.

Supplemental Twitter illustration: (17 August 2019): Ottavio Leoni Portrait of Francesco Maria del Monte (1578–1630). Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottavio_Leoni

The Duke's Oil (16 August 2019):
Trajan's Column, Rome, Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1758), Hind 51iii(of vii). Etching and engraving, Plate 31 from the Vedute di Roma (Views of Rome). Courtesy of R. E Lewis and Daughter http://www.relewis.com/piranesi-trajans-column.html

Supplemental Twitter illustration: (15 August 2019): American, circa 1909, A Tiffany Studios leaded glass and bronze lamp comprising a "salamander" design on a gilded bronze "bird skeleton" table base. Courtesy Lillian Nassau 

The Galssmaker's Salamander (14 August 2019):
Michael Maier, Atalanta fugiens, hoc est, Emblemata Nova de Secretis Naturae Chymica... (Oppenheim: Johann Theodori de Bry, 1617), emblem 29.

Supplemental Twitter illustration (13 August 2019): View of Castel Dell'Oro Naples, "Tavola Strozzi" (1472), attributed toFrancesco Rosselli - San Martino Museum in Naples https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tavola_Strozzi. Detail Photo courtesy of Carl,  https://www.flickr.com/photos/70125105@N06/10506919956

Friar Mauritio (12 August 2019):Antonio Neri, Treasure of the World, "Brother Mauritio" detail from, f. 19r. Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections. http://www.gla.ac.uk/services/specialcollections/ordercopiesimages/#d.en.129979

Aventurine (9 August 2019):
Classe VI, n. 3458. / Figure 5: Small amphora in aventurine glass with handles in “rigadin” decorated with colorless “morise”, Murano, Salviati doc.http://www.cairn.info/revue-archeosciences-2013-1-page-135.htm (e verre aventurine (« avventurina ») : son histoire, les recettes, les analyses, sa fabrication, by Moretti, Gratuze, Hreglich.

Supplemental Twitter illustration (8 August 2019)Alchemical images from the Beinecke Library Johan Isaac Hollandus, 15th century Alchemical and Rosicrucian compendium, courtesy  rara1avis1.blogspot.com.

Isaac Hollandus (7 August 2019):
Illustration from: Isaac J. Hollandus, Chymische Schriften, Vienna 1773. Earlier 1666 ed is here (p. 13) http://books.google.com/books?id=XFw6AAAAcAAJ

Supplemental illustration (6 August 2019):  (See: I. Lazar (2005) 'An Oil Lamp depicting a Roman Glass Furnace - a new find from Slovenia' in Instrumentum 22, Dec. 2005. The lamp itself is in the Pokrajinski Muzej Ptuj, Slovenia.) http://www.theglassmakers.co.uk/archiveromanglassmakers/furnace1.htm

Early Modern Glass Furnace (5 August 2019):  From "De re metallica", Agricola (Georg Bauer) 1556. Georg Agricola, Zwölf Bücher vom Berg- und Hüttenwesen, übers. v. Carl Schiffner, Berlin 1928, S. 502 ff. Scanned by Bibliothek für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Köln, http://www.digitalis.uni-koeln.de/ courtesy of Wikimedia Commons http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Agricola-3.png

What Goes Around Comes Around (2 August 2019)Map of Ulm, Germany, Ulm - "Ulma Imperialis in Sueuia urbs, fortissimo aquae et muror ambitu, magnifico templo, et Danubij propiquitate illustris."  Georg Braun & Franz Hogenberg 1570-78. Copper engraving, original color in outline and wash. 107 by 470mm (4¼ by 18½ inches). B&H Vol. I. #31  https://www.bergbook.com/images/21441-01.jpg

Supplemental illustration (1 August 2019): Giovanni Stradano or Jan Van der Straet, Alchemists in the Uffizi 1571, from the Studiolo of Francesco de' Medici. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stradanus

July 2019
The Reluctant Glassmaker  31 July 2019): The Sun, Robert Fludd from Utriusque Cosmi (1617),v. 2, p. 19.

Supplemental illustration (30 July 2019): North Italian apothecary's shop in a Hebrew manuscript of the Canon Medicinae of Avicenna, c. 1450-75. Bibliotheca Universitaria, Bologna, Italy, MS 2197, fol. 492. Courtesy of  http://www.alchemywebsite.com/Equipment_Pharmacies_manuscript.html

The Kabbalah (29 July 2019):
Kabbalistic Sephiroth Tree, from Portae Lucis, Paulus Ricius (Trans. of “Shaare ora” by Joseph Gikatilla) Augsburg, 1516.

Supplemental illustration (27 July 2019) : Mater Dolorosa, Titian, 1554  Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain. (The Virgin Mary in a robe painted with precious ultramarine pigment)  https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mater_Dolorosa_by_Titian.jpg

Ultramarine Blue(26 July 2019) :
Photo: Krén, Emil and Daniel Marx, Web Gallery of Art. Frescoes in the Cappella Scrovegni , Padua by Giotto, 1306, via http://drawingatduke.blogspot.com/2012/10/giotto-di-bondone.html

Supplemental illustration (25 July 2019): 16th century miniature of Aleppo (Halep) , Syria, by Matrakçi Nasuh (cir.1480-1564). http://ankaraolgunlasma.meb.k12.tr/tema/icerikler/matrakci-nasuh_1564182.html

Neri's Aleppo Connection (24 July 2019):
1) Drummond, Alexander (1754), Travels through different cities of Germany, Italy, Greece, and several parts of Asia, as far as the banks of the Euphrates (London: Printed by W. Strahan for the author, 1754) OCLC 1319396, http://openlibrary.org/books/OL6953903M/Travels_through_different_cities_of_Germany_Italy_Greece_and_several_parts_of_Asia_as_far_as_the_ban Artist unknown, Image courtesy of Wikimedia: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:1754_Aleppo_Drummond.png

Supplemental illustration (23 July 2019):  "Apparatus to Attract the Lunar Humidity" Manly Palmer Hall collection of alchemical manuscripts, 1500-1825, Box 18, MS 102, v.10. Getty Research Institute,  https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Manly_Palmer_Hall_collection_of_alchemical_manuscripts,_1500-1825_(1600)_(14597513437).jpg

Alchemical Glassware  (22 July 2019): Alchemical glassware. Antonio Neri (1576-1612), "Libro intitulato Il tesoro del mondo" MS Ferguson 67, GB 0247, Glasgow University Library, Special Collections, 1598–1600. f. 38.

Supplemental Twitter illustration (20 July 2019): Evangelista Torrecelli's experiments in Florence, by Gaspar Schott "Technica Curiosa" Wurzburg, 1664 -image from 1687 ed., p.205 here:  books.google.com/books?id=zkpAAAAAcAAJ

Torricelli and Glass  (19 July 2019):
Evangelista Torricelli by Lorenzo Lippi (circa 1647, Galleria Silvano Lodi & Due), courtesy of Wikimedia commons http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Evangelista_Torricelli_by_Lorenzo_Lippi_(circa_1647,_Galleria_Silvano_Lodi_%26_Due).jpg

Supplemental illustration (18 July 2019): Alchemical symbols for sal ammoniac, note similarity to cuneiform symbok for the sun (center) courtesy  Leonardo Anfolsi fontanaeditore.com.

Sal Ammoniac (17 July 2019):
Ammoniac (skeletal crystals to 10 sm). Uroch. Kukhi-Malik, Fan-yagnobskoe coal mine, near Ravat, Tadjikistan, Middle Asia, CIS, Yagnob. (c) A. A. Evseev, photo courtesy of http://www.jewellery.org.ua/stones-katalog-engl/mineral-nashatir.htm

Supplemental illustration (16 July 2019): Portrait of Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (1533-92) (oil on canvas), French School, (17th century) / Private Collection, a copy of an original dated to Montaignes 1580-81stay in Italy.  http://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2008/books-manuscripts-and-photographs-including-nine-manuscripts-by-andre-breton-from-the-simone-collinet-collection-pf8005/lot.15.html

Michel Montaigne (15 July 2019):
Portrait of Michel Montaigne Anonymous (17th century), based on Kerkado (ca. 1580) http://www.qotd.org/quotes/Montaigne

Supplemental illustration(13 July 2019): Image from ‘Account of the Glass Drops’ by Robert Moray, 17 August 1661. Royal Society Classified Papers Cl.P/3i/57  Courtesy of http://blogs.royalsociety.org/history-of-science/2014/02/24/prince-ruperts-drops/

Hooke's Tears (12 July 2019):
From Micrographia, by Robert Hooke, 1664. Detail of illustration between pages 10, 11.

Supplemental illustration  (11 July 2019): A coach of the middle of the seventeenth century: from an engraving by John Dunstall.A Student's History of England, v. 2 (of 3),1509-1689, by Samuel Rawson Gardiner http://www.gutenberg.org/files/40192/40192-h/40192-h.htm

Neri's Travels (10 July 2019):
“Roma,” Antonio Neri, from Tesoro del Mondo (Neri 1598–1600), Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.

Supplemental illustration (9 July 2019): Carolyn Baum, Eternal Bloom, 2013. Flameworked soft glass, wire, fieldstone. H 12, W 12, D 10. https://glassquarterly.wordpress.com/2013/07/05/opening-true-to-life-glass-exhibition-inspired-by-blaschka-flowers-debuts-at-pittsburgh-glass-center/

Golden Yellow Glass (8 July 2019):
Created in 1995, by the studio of Dale Chihuly, this chandelier is made of 900 pieces of hand-blown glass. Weighing more than 1,000 pounds and measuring nine feet long and six feet wide, it contains 500 feet of yellow glass neon tubing. It is displayed at the Columbus, Indiana Visitors Center. Photo courtesy of the Center, http://www.kid-at-art.com/htdoc/cglass.html

Supplemental illustration (6 July 2019): Rummer with Raven's Head Seal, (detail) Savoy Glasshouse, George Ravenscroft, London 1676-1678 Corning Museum of Glass Acc.# 50.2.2  https://www.cmog.org/artwork/rummer-ravens-head-seal

Lead Crystal (5 July 2019):
George Ravenscroft, Roemer type drinking glass c. 1677. Victoria and Albert Museum Collection. C.530-1936 (British Galleries, room 56d, case 13). http://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O5164/drinking-glass-ravenscroft-george/

Supplemental illustration (4 July 2019): Portrait of Benjamin Franklin, lampworked glass murrina,
2016, by Stephen Boehme, Riverton, Utah. https://www.etsy.com/people/BoehmePottery

Franklin and Glass (3 July 2019):
Portrait [detail] of Benjamin Franklin by Joseph Siffred Duplessis (1725–1802), Courtesy of Wikipedia.

Portrait of Benjamin Franklin, lampworked glass murrina, 2016, by Stephen Boehme, Riverton, Utah. https://www.etsy.com/people/BoehmePottery

Supplemental illustration (2 July 2019): Geological vein of gold courtesy of Geology In blog https://www.geologyin.com/2014/11/veins-and-hydrothermal-deposits.html

Veins of the Earth (1 July 2019): Antonio Neri, "Libro intitulato Il tesoro del mondo di Pietre Antonio Neri" (MS Ferguson 67, GB 0247, Glasgow University Library, Special Collections, 1598-1600) f. 5r, 6r.

June 2019
Supplemental illustration (29 June 2019): Photo of Sir Thomas Phillips, ca. 1860. from frontispiece of "Bibliotheca Phillippica:  manuscripts on vellum and paper from the 9th to the 18th centuries from the celebrated collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps : the final selection." , New York : H.P. Kraus, c1879.  http://www.themorgan.org/collection/crusader-bible/provenance

The Man Who Liked Books Too Much (28 June 2019):
Broadway Tower, Worcestershire. The home of Phillipps' Middle Hill Press. Photo W. Lloyd MacKenzie, via Flickr @ http://www.flickr.com/photos/saffron_blaze/ via http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Broadway_Tower_2012.jpg

Supplemental illustration (27 June 2019):  Paracelsus, 1935. Franz Görtitz, Brukenthal National Museum, Sibiu, Romania. The painting shows the famous alchemist and physician Paracelsus holding a retort in his hands and standing in front of a furnace on which is placed a glass balloon  http://hekint.org/paracelsus-physician-and-alchemist-2/

The Paracelsans (26 June 2019):
Aureolus Philipp Theophra Paracels, courtesy of ‘Images from the History of Medicine’, U.S. National Library of Medicine (NML). Portrait no. 5197.15, Record UI: 101433870, Image ID:186083


Supplemental illustration (25 June 2019): Diderot’s Encyclopédie, the production of glass artificial pearls in 18th century France. http://www.bigbeadlittlebead.com/guides_and_information/history_of_faux_pearls.php

Glass Pearls (24 June 2019):
Johannes Vermeer, "Girl with a pearl earring" (1665-6). Courtesy of Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis, via Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Johannes_Vermeer_(1632-1675)_-_The_Girl_With_The_Pearl_Earring_(1665).jpg

Supplemental illustration (22 June 2019):
 Portrait of Torbern Olof Bergman (1735-1784), Swedish, by Ulrika Pasch. Courtesy of https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Torbern_Olof_Bergman.jpg

Fall from Grace  (21 June 2019):
Felice Fontana portrait, attribution unknown (to me).
Here for a photo of the Fontana bust on display at La Specola: http://wellcomeimages.org/indexplus/result.html?*sform=wellcome-images&_IXACTION_=query&%24%3Dtoday=&_IXFIRST_=1&%3Did_ref=M0018822&_IXSPFX_=templates/t&_IXFPFX_=templates/t&_IXMAXHITS_=1

Supplemental illustration (20 June 2019): Manganese Amberina Footed Compote Bowl Candy Dish http://www.ebay.com/itm/Viking-Manganese-Amberina-Footed-Compote-Bowl-Candy-Dish-/171995205645?hash=item280bb6900d

Neri's Other Rubino (19 June 2019): Photo by Eric Hunt - Rhodochrosite, from the Sweet Home Mine, Colorado, private collection. Courtesy of Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhodochrosite#mediaviewer/File:The_Searchlight_Rhodochrosite_Crystal.jpg

Suplemental illustration  (18 June 2019): Galileo Galilei, objective lens, Padua, late 1609
Glass, 58 mm, Later mounted in a commemorative frame (1677) , Museo Galileo, Florence, inv.2429 http://www.astronomy2009.org/resources/multimedia/images/detail/galileo_03/

The Glassmaker and the Astronomer  (17 June 2019)
Justus Sustermans (1597-1681), portrait of Galileo Galilei, 1636 (detail). National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Justus_Sustermans_-_Portrait_of_Galileo_Galilei,_1636.jpg

Supplemental illustration  (15 June 2019): Titian used glazes of red lake to create the vivid crimson of the robes in "The Vendramin Family Venerating a Relic of the True Cross", completed 1550-60 (detail). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_pigment#/media/File:Titian_-_The_Vendramin_Family_Venerating_a_Relic_of_the_True_Cross_(detail)_-_WGA22811.jpg

Lakes of Flowers (14 June 2019):
The Miracle of the immobility of Santa Lucia, 1596/7, by Leandro Bassano (1557–1622).
S Giorgio Maggiore Venice, 1st Altar from the entrance left. Photo credit: Basilica S Giorgio Maggiore Edizione della Basilica 2000 P.26, courtesy of Wikimedia commons. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bassano,Leandro_Martyr_S_Lucia.jpg

Supplemental illustration: (13 June 2019): Giambologna's horse models were created for the equestrian statue of Grand Duke Cosimo I de' Medici in the Piazza della Signoria in Florence, which was finished in 1594. http://store.metmuseum.org/sculpture/giambologna-medici-walking-horse-sculpture/invt/06060503

Descendants of a Glassmaker (12 June 2019):
Titian (Tiziano Vecellio); Christ Shown to the People (Ecce Homo), c.1570–76; oil on canvas; 43 x 37 5/16 in. (109.2 x 94.8 cm); Saint Louis Art Museum, Museum Purchase 10:1936. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Titian_-_Christ_Shown_to_the_People_(Ecce_Homo).jpg

Supplemental illustration: (11 June 2019): Gilded bronze mount with white marble and black glass eye. Courtesy of The Atkinson Museum, Southport, UK.

Black is Beautiful (10 June 2019):
Black glass cameo vase, c. 1900, Thomas Webb. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/item/20750888_thomas-webb-black-cameo-glass-vase-c-1900

Supplemental illustration:  (8 June 2019):
Inquisition coat of arms, 1573. “EXURGE DOMINE ET JUDICA CAUSAM TUAM. PSALM. 73” [Rise Up, O Lord, and Judge Thine Own Cause!]. Enciclopedia Española. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Escudo_inquisicion.gif

Neri and The Inquisition (7 June 2019): Title page of Index Librorum Prohibitorum (Venice 1564), courtesy of Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Index_Librorum_Prohibitorum

Supplemental illustration:  (6 June 2019):
From the folk ballad Captain Ward and the Rainbow, or Ward the Pirate, (Child ballad 287).   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_Ward_and_the_Rainbow

Pirates! (5 June 2019):
Sea fight with Barbary corsairs, c. 1581, Lorenzo Castro. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:A_Castro,_Lorenzo_-_A_Sea_Fight_with_Barbary_Corsairs_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg

Supplemental illustration:  (4 June 2019): Aquamanile, attributed to Roger von Helmarshausen, which may be the pseudonym of Theophilus Presbyter (fl. ca. 1070-1125). He started his career as a goldsmith in the Meuse valley, Cologne.

The Purse of Envy (3 June 2019):
Antonio Neri, "The Mineral Gold" Tesoro del Mondo,  (MS Ferguson 67, GB 0247, Glasgow University Library, Special Collections, 1598-1600), f. 5r.

Supplemental illustration: (1June 2019): Salsola kali plant, Photo courtesy Zo života pred tabuľou …[From life in front of a blackboard ...] blog, (Martina)  https://martinaucitelka.wordpress.com/2015/08/20/42-slanobyl-draslomilna-salsola-kali/

May 2019
Lixiviation (31 May 2019):
Salsola Kali plant used in Mediterranean glassmaking. Chenopodiaceae - Salsola kali. From: Flora batava by Jan Kops and others. Amsterdam, J.C. Sepp, 1807, volume 2 (plate 133). Hand-coloured engraving (sheet 225 x 278 mm).

The Blue Tower (29, 30 May  2019):
Fig 1:De Blauwe Toren 1865, Jozef Linnig, Museum Plantin-Moretus / Prentenkabinet,  nr. 3359/18 28/66
(photo by Bart Huysmans) http://www.collectieantwerpen.be/component/option,com_memorix/task,result/searchplugin,categorie/Itemid,2/Categorie,tekening/cp,41/lang,fr/pp,40/mrxpopup,1/CollectionID,1/PhotoID,FAM001005136/RecordID,974067/ResultRecord,405/resultplugin,detail/do,5/

Fig 2: Antwerpen, het Arsenaal, 1601-1653
Circle of Jan Wildens, Pen and brown ink, brown wash on paper. RKD Netherlands Institute for Art History
Illustration number 0000053843. https://rkd.nl/explore/images/27381

Fig 3: Blauwe Toren, Edmond Fierlants
Antwerpen, Belgium, 1860 Photograph, Courtesy of Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience

A Matter of Plagiarism (27,28 May 2018):
Francesco Lana Terzi (1631-1687), Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons (Italy). http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Lanadeterzi.jpg

Title page of Lana Terzi's Prodromo, Courtesy of Internet Archives. https://ia700808.us.archive.org/zipview.php?zip=/4/items/olcovers598/olcovers598-L.zip&file=5980348-L.jpg

Top Physician (24, 25 May 2019):
Frontispiece from Ricettario Fiorentino 1597 ed, by Neri di Jacopo Neri, Giovan Battista Benadù, Francesco Rosselli and Giovanni Galletti. Courtesy of Wellcome Trust. http://wellcomeimages.org/indexplus/result.html?*sform=wellcome-images&_IXACTION_=query&%24%3Dtoday=&_IXFIRST_=1&%3Did_ref=M0011854&_IXSPFX_=templates/t&_IXFPFX_=templates/t&_IXMAXHITS_=1

Antonio Neri's family arms, from his childhood residence in Florence. Ceiling panel of entrance vestibule, 27 Borgo Pinti, Florence. Neri family coat of arms. Photo by Paul Engle, 2011.

Supplemental illustration: (23 May 2019): Opal glass beaker, c. 1680, Czech Republic. Molded with sea gods at play. Traces of arsenic in the glass make it appear to change color like a precious opal. Glassmaking was allied to alchemy at baroque courts. This glass was made on the estate of Count Buquoy in Bohemia. courtesy of the British Museum http://wb.britishmuseum.org/MCN138#1489945001

Deadly Fumes (22 May 2019):  Nikolaus Alexander  Mair von Landshut, 1605. (active ca. 1485, d 1520). From a series of six engravings of memento mori. Courtesy of The Trustees of the British Museum, Department: Prints & Drawings, Registration number: 1893,1020.4

Supplemental illustration: (21 May 2019): Anibal and Martin, from Neri's "Tesoro del Mondo" 1598-1699
Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections. http://www.gla.ac.uk/services/specialcollections/ordercopiesimages/#d.en.129979

A Band of Alchemists: (20 May 2019):
The Alchemist 1558, Pieter Brugle the Elder. British Museum, London, http://www.wikiart.org/en/pieter-bruegel-the-elder/the-alchemist

Supplemental illustration: (18 May 2019): Ancient glass bottle Sidon, (c.150-300 CE) Louvre, Paris Musée du Louvre, Atlas database: entry 4565. Photo Marie-Lan Nguyen (2006), courtesy Wikimedia https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bottle_ivy_Louvre_MND505.jpg

The Discovery of Glass (17 May 2019): "The Discovery of Glass" Giovan Maria Butteri, from The Studiolo of Francesco de' Medici.c.1572  (no. 27 in below link). http://museicivicifiorentini.comune.fi.it/en/palazzovecchio/visitamuseo/studiolo_francesco_i.htm

Supplementa illustration: (16 May 2019):
Entrance bridge to the old  Pauley and Co. glass factory as it stands today. Photo (c) courtesy of Big Bead Little Bead Blog. http://big-bead-little-bead.blogspot.com/2011/04/history-venetian-glass-part-3-of-3.html

Alberico Barbini (15 May 2019) - In Memory of Mario Santini.
A section from a larger view of Venice with the island of Murano in the distance, circa 1600 attributed to Danckerts in the style of the famous woodcut print by Jacopo de’ Barbari circa 1500. http://drawingdetail.tumblr.com/post/21644545773/a-section-from-a-larger-view-of-venice-with-the

Supplemental Twitter illustration (14 May 2019): Blätter des Manns Walfarn, by Alois Auer, Vienna: Imperial Printing Office, 1853. Courtesy of the Wikimedia foundation: Nature print, (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Nature_print,_Alois_Auer_.jpg).

Laughing In the Fern (13 May 2019):
Alain Manesson Mallet  1719, "Der Mont. – Lune"

Supplemental illustration: (11 May 2019): The alchemist facilitates the growth of the metallic seed towards its two fruits or perfections—silver and gold. Emblem twelve from Michael Maier's Symbola Aureae Mensae, Frankfurt, 1617. http://www.aaroncheak.com/on-hermeticism/

Alchemy of Plants (10 May 2019): Antonio Neri, "Arts Preparatio frugu vel Piantar." in Tesoro del Mondo, f. 9r.Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections. http://www.gla.ac.uk/services/specialcollections/ordercopiesimages/#d.en.129979

Supplemental illustration: (09 May 2019): Grand Ducal Workshops, Panel with Vase of Flowers, early 1600s; pietre dure mosaic on black marble ground. Florence, Museo dell’ Opificio delle Pietre Dure. courtesy of Wikimedia https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pannello_con_vaso_di_fiori_dall%27opificio_delle_pietre_dure,_1600-50_ca.,_02.JPG

Early Modern Lapidaries (08 May 2019): Antonio Neri, Tesoro del Mondo, 1598-1600, f. 7v, "Ars Preparatio Lapidum"(detail). Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections. http://www.gla.ac.uk/services/specialcollections/ordercopiesimages/#d.en.129979

Supplemental illustration: (07 May 2019): Sulfur crystal, from Agrigento, Sicily, Italy Photo by Eric Hunt 2006, courtesy of Wikimedia foundation https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Large_Sulfur_Crystal.jpg

Glass, Fire and Brimstone (06 May 2019):
Alchemical Symbol for Sulfur, created 2014 by Paul Engle in Photoshop. This image is in the public domain and may be used freely without attribution.

Supplemental illustration: (04 May 2019): The alchemist (Adriaen Van Ostade) http://www.salvatorefiorillo.it/dailylife.html

The Dregs (03 May 2019):
"The struggle of fixed and volatile" allegorical illustration from Splendor solis [detail] 1582. British Library, London, (Harley MS 3469). Courtesy of http://bordel.haghn.com/Art/Illustration/Splendor%20Solis/

Supplemental illustration: (02 May 2019): A grouping of ancient counterfeit coins, courtesy of Coinweek, photo credit: Mike Markowitz.

Reports from Parnassus (01 May 2019):
The Parnassus is a fresco painting by Raphael in the Raphael Rooms ("Stanze di Raffaello"), in the Palace of the Vatican in Rome, painted at the commission of Pope Julius II in 1511. [detail] courtesy of Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Parnassus#mediaviewer/File:Rafael_-_El_Parnaso_(Estancia_del_Sello,_Roma,_1511).jpg

April 2019
Supplemental illustration: (30 April 2019): Renaissance instruction in preparation of chemicals. From Annibal Barlet, Le Vray et methodique cours de Chymie (Paris, 1653) Image courtesy of U.S. National Library of Medicine http://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/paracelsus/universities.html

Alchemy School (29 April 2019): Frontispiece woodcut from Zadith ben Hamuel De Chemia Senioris, 1566. See http://www.levity.com/alchemy/amclglr5.html

Supplemental illustration: (27 April 2019): Spherical bezoar stones, one from unknown animal, 1551-1750 the other (right) from a camel. Photo Photo number: L0058457, Wellcome Trust Images, courtesy of Wikimedia commons. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Spherical_bezoar_stone_from_unknown_animal,_1551-1750_Wellcome_L0058457.jpg

Filippo Sassetti (26 April 2019):Goa, India 1509. “Goa fortissima India urbs in Christianorum potestatem anno salutis 1509 deuenit.” [detail] From Braun and Hogenberg, Civitates Orbis Terrarum I, p. 54. First Latin edition of was published in 1572. (After an unidentified Portuguese manuscript).

Supplemental illustration: (25 April 2019): Potash glass, 1619, engraved by Anna Roemers Visscher with a poem dedicated to the (later) father of astronomer and physicist Christiaan Huygens.  Rijksmuseum Amsterdam.  https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Roemer_met_een_gedicht_op_Constantijn_Huygens,_anoniem,_Anna_Roemers_Visscher,_1619_-_Rijksmuseum_-_BK-1983-15.jpg

Tartar Salt (24 April 2019): Potassium bitartrate crystals. Photo Courtesy of Vintner’s Cellar Waterloo http://www.vintnerscellarwaterloo.com/article/29/wine_diamonds_or_crystals_in_a_bottle.html

Supplemental illustration: (23 April 2019): Alchemical glassware. Antonio Neri (1576-1612), "Libro intitulato Il tesoro del mondo" MS Ferguson 67, GB 0247, Glasgow University Library, Special Collections, 1598–1600. f. 38.

Art and Science (22 April 2019): Jacopo Ligozzi,1518,  fanciful glass vessels, ink and watercolor on paper. Galleria degli Uffizi. http://www.atlantedellarteitaliana.it/artwork-12537.html

Carries the Palm (19, 20 April 2019)
Assisi frescoes, entry into Jerusalem. Pietro Lorenzetti, 1320. Assisi, Lower Basilica, San Francesco, southern transept. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Assisi-frescoes-entry-into-jerusalem-pietro_lorenzetti.jpg

Saint Justina of Padua with a palm frond, Bartolo Montagna 1490s, oil on wood. Courtesy of The Metropolital Museum of Art,  Accession Number: 14.40.606. http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/search-the-collections/437145

Copper Sulfate (vitriol of copper), courtesy of  Wikimedia Commons: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Copper_sulfate.jpg Photo by: ‘Stephanb’ http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benutzer:Stephanb

Supplemental illustration: (18 April 2019): Recovering and concentrating Vitriol from a mining operation in the 16th century, from Agricola, De Re Metalica (1580) http://www.chokier.com/IMAGES/ROCHER/Agricola-De_re_metallica-Couperose.jpg

Vitriol of Venus (17 April 2019): Copper Sulfate (vitriol of copper), courtesy of  Wikimedia Commons: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Copper_sulfate.jpg Photo by: ‘Stephanb’ http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benutzer:Stephanb

Sulfur of Saturn (15, 16 April 2019): Peter Paul Rubens c. 1630,  “Abundance (Abundantia).” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abundantia

Supplemental illustration (13 April 2019): Hematite Quartz from Orange River, Namibia. Hematite is a mineral form of iron oxide, here geologically intermixed in otherwise colorless quartz cristal, courtesy of https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hematite-Quartz-ckorqtz-34d.jpg

Crocus Martis (12 April 2019):
From Medicinisch-Chymisch- und Alchemistisches Oraculum, Ulm, 1755. Courtesy of The Alchemy Website, http://www.levity.com/alchemy/alchemical_symbols06.html

Supplemental illustration (11 April 2019): Famous mirror room of the Golestan Palace, the former royal Qajar complex in Iran's capital city, is located in Arq Square in Tehran.  http://historicaliran.blogspot.com/2011/03/golestan-palace.html

Adam Olearius (10 April 2019):
Adam Olearius (1599-1671), 18th century engr, Attr. unknown, source: http://www.aschersleben-tourismus.de/cms/persoenlichkeiten/adam-olearius/  (Probably a copy of: 1669 oil on canvas portrait by Juriaen Ovens (1623-1678) ) see: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Adam-Olearius.jpg .

Supplemental illustration (9 April 2019):  Bronze statue of an Owl by the Flemish artist Giambologna (1529-1608) - Florence:Bargello Museum (Italy) http://wiki.cultured.com/people/Giambologna/

The Neighbors (8April 2019):
"Portrait of Giamologna"by Hendrick Goltzius, Teylers Museum, courtesy of  Wikimedia Commons. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Goltzius-Bologna.png

Supplemental illustration (6 April 2019): Glass bagpipe of Glenfiddich Piping Trophy, courtesy rebecca Lomnicky http://www.rebeccalomnicky.com/Photos7.htm

Glass Blowers (5 April 2019):
Berkshire Glass Works cane from 1878. These were novelty items made by glass workers in off hours.  It’s filled with the pure quartzite sand they were so proud of. It was 99.98% pure, the purest in the world. – Charles Flint http://www.peachridgeglass.com/2012/06/glass-cane-whimsies/

Supplemental illustration (4April 2019): Title page from Antonio Neri's 1612 book L'Arte Vetraria [the art of glassmaking] http://www.cmog.org/library/larte-vetraria-distinta-libri-sette-del-rp-antonio-neri-fiorentino

Eyes of a Lynx (3 April 2019):
The seal of the Academia dei Lincei. Courtesy of Accademia dei Lincei, Palazzo Corsini - Via della Lungara, 10, Rome. https://catalogue.museogalileo.it/gallery/AccademiaLincei.html

Supplemental illustration (2 April 2019): Calcedony (calcedonio) blown glass beaker, European, 1700-1799, Corning Museum of Glass, bequest of Jerome Strauss acc# 79.3.487

Chalcedony Glass (1 April 2019):
Ribbed vessel, chalcedony glass, seventeenth century, 20 cm. Collection of the  Museo del Monastero di Santa Giulia, Brescia Courtesy of Fondazione Marilena Ferrari. http://www.atlantedellarteitaliana.it/artwork-1479.html

March 2019
Supplemental illustration (30 March 2019): Glass items found by archaeologists in the baptistery at  SS. Giovanni e Reparata in Lucca, Italy. Evidence suggests some may have been originally  purchased from the Pisa shop of Giovanbattista Guerrazzi. http://archeologiamedievale.unisi.it/SitoCNR/Vetro/Produzione/Prod4b2.html

Rise and Fall (29 March 2019):
“Merry Company,” 1623. Gerard van Honthorst (1590–1656),
Courtesy of Staatsgalerie im Neuen Schloss, Schleißheim, via Wikimedia commons. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Honthorst,_Gerard_van_-_Merry_Company_-_1623.jpg

Supplemental illustration (28 March 2019): Sant'Agata Monastery (Via San Gallo, Florencce) Buonsignori map, 1594 https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiesa_di_Sant%27Agata_(Firenze)

The Sisters of an Alchemist (27 March 2019): Portrait of the Egerton Sisters, Elizabeth, Vere and Mary Egerton; English School, c. 1601. http://amapx.tumblr.com/post/117259364400/jeannepompadour-portrait-of-the-egerton

Women in Alchemy ( 25, 26 March 2019):
Antonio Neri, "Libro intitulato Il tesoro del mondo di Pietre Antonio Neri" (MS Ferguson 67, GB 0247, Glasgow University Library, Special Collections, 1598-1600) f. 25r, 35r, 37r.

Supplemental Twitter illustration (23 March 2019): Pietro Longi, Portrait of the family Sagredo, circa 1752, courtesy of Wikimedia commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pietro_Longhi_053.jpg

Dianora Parenti (22 March 2019): Agnolo di Cosimo 'Bronzino,' "Portrait of Florentine Noblewoman" circa. 1540 Florence, (thought to be a cousin of Eleanor Toledo) Courtesy of  the San Diego Museum of Art. http://www.sdmart.org/

Supplemental Twitter illustration (21 March 2019): Dutch kitchen scene in Great Hall at Treasurer's House, York. By Beuckelaer, c.1530-73 https://www.pinterest.com/pin/490892428108875425/

Alchemy in the Kitchen (20 March 2019):
Antonio Neri, 1598-1600, Tesoro del Mondo, "Ars Preparatio Animalium”, MS Ferguson 67, f. 10r (detail). Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections. http://www.gla.ac.uk/services/specialcollections/ordercopiesimages/#d.en.129979

Supplemental illustration (19 March 2019): The Beguines' hospital of Malines in Mechelen, Belgium in the 19th century. Source unknown.

The Béguines of Malines (18 March 2019):
A Béguine of Antwerp, from Pierre Hélyot, L'Histoire des ordres monastiques… 1719 (v.8) Courtesy of Google Books: http://books.google.com/books?id=9DQGAAAAQAAJ

Caterina Sforza (15-16 March 2019): Portrait of Caterina Sforza, by Lorenzo di Credi (c.1463-1509)
Now in the Museum of Forlì (Pinacoteca Civica di Forlì, Italy)
Photo courtesy of: http://www.asn-ibk.ac.at/bildung/faecher/geschichte/maike/monalisa/genealogy/073.htm
Via Wikimedia Commons http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Caterina_Sforza.jpg

Sandro Botticelli, Primavera (1498) Courtesy of Uffizi Gallery, Florence, via Wikimedia Commons http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Botticelli-primavera.jpg (detail - rightmost of the three graces)

Supplemental illustration:  (14 March 2019): H K Mulford advertising card showing vaccine was made in an adjacent facility to the glassworks. #WomenInSTEM #glass

Anna J. Agnew, Champion GlassBlower (13 March 2019): “Girl Champion Glassblower” Chicago Tribune: Chicago, Illinois, 9 March 1902, p. 43.

Supplemental illustration (12 March 2019): Detail of Dragon-Stem Goblet, Venice, Italy, 1630-1670. Courtesy of Corning Museum of Glass 51.3.118.

Sara Vincx (11 March 2019):
Detail from: Roses and an iris in a glass vase, crabs and prawns on a pewter platter, a Facon-de-Venise wineglass, a stoneware ewer, a bunch of grapes. By Alexander Adriaenssen b. 1587, Antwerp, d. 1661, Antwerp

Thomas Edison's Lady Glass Workers (8 March 2019):
Fig. 1: Sealing the Glass Socket and Carbon Filament into the Flask of an Incandescent Lamp. 1889, Scribner's Magazine v. 6
Fig. 2: Laboratory notebook entry signed solely by Mina Edison.
Fig. 3: Wanted ad for Edison’s Harrison Lampworks factory. The Boston Globe (Boston Massachusetts) 22 June 1894, Fri., p. 9.
Fig. 4: Finishing work on tungsten lamps, c.1927.

Supplemental illustration (7 March 2019): Nef, or navicella. First half of 16th century, possibly by Arminia Vivarini.  Museo del Vetro, Murano, Venice Italy.  http://museovetro.visitmuve.it/it/il-museo/percorsi-e-collezioni/vetro-xv-xvi-xvii-secolo/

Arminia Vivarini (6March 2019): Nef Ewer, Late 16th century, Murano Italy. Image courtesy of the Milwaukee Art Museum.

Supplemental illustration: (5 March 2019): Spun Glass ship 20 cent. attribution unknown -- Please contact me of you know artist or photographer.

Encomiums to a Female Glassblower (4 March 2019): Female fancy glass blower at the oil lamp. attribution unknown. Courtesy http://www.untamedrose.com/content/about-art

Antonio Neri's Birthday (1,2 March 2019):
Neri Medallion, Specola, Florence (manipulated to remove parallax distortion, and correct color) Original courtesy of Wikimedia commons http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Specola,_medaglione_di_antonio_neri.JPG

February 2019
The Cardinal's Ceiling (27, 28 February 2019)
Antonio Neri, Treasure of the World, f.xxviii-v. Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections. http://www.gla.ac.uk/services/specialcollections/ordercopiesimages/#d.en.129979

Supplemental illustration (26 February 2019): Turquoise glass goblet, Venetian, c1490, 19cm tall. British Museum collection. http://britishmuseum.tumblr.com/post/121113973422/turquoise-glass-goblet

Turquoise Glass (25 February 2019):
Turquoise glass stamp of calif Mustadi 1170-1180. Photo by PHGCOM, 2009, at British Museum. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Turquoise_glass_stamp_of_calif_Mustadi_1170_1180.jpg

Supplemental illustration (22 February 2019): Domenico Ghirlandaio, tempera on wood 1483. Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints, from San Giusto Alle Mura, Florence. Now Galleria degli Uffizi, courtesy Wikimedia commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Domenico_Ghirlandaio_Madonna_and_Child_enthroned_with_Saint_c_1483.jpg

San Giusto Alle Mura (21 February 2019):
Window of  Santa Maria del Fiore cathedral, Florence, Italy. Window detail of Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence. Photo by Georges Jansoone, courtesy  of Wikimedia Commons. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Stained_glass_windows_in_Santa_Maria_del_Fiore_(Florence)#mediaviewer/File:Santa_Maria_del_Fiore_colour_glass_(1623723568).jpg

True Colors (19, 20 February 2019):
The European Roller [Pica Marina] Photo: Mehmet Goren, Pica Marina. Courtesy of Mehmet Goren. http://www.trakus.org/kods_bird/uye/?fsx=2fsdl15@d&idx=4193#.Uij5udKsjTo

Pica marina, Ulisse Aldrovandi, "Le tavole acquerellate di Ulisse Aldrovandi Tavole vol. 002 Animali ..." Manoscritto, Parnassus Scientiarum, Catalogue of the Waller Collection of History of Science and Medicine, Edited by Marco Beretta and Andrea Scotti Interface editor Daniele Nuzzo, Courtesy  of the University of Bologna. http://www.filosofia.unibo.it/aldrovandi/pinakesweb/compdetail.asp?compid=3521

Supplemental illustration: (18 February 2019): The Medici Glass Workshop (detail) in the Galleria dei Lavori of the Uffizi. Giovanni Maria Butteri (Italian, 1540–about 1606), 1570. Palazzo Vecchio, Studiolo of Francesco I.

Galleria Lavori (17 February 2019): Giovanni Stradano, alias Jan van der Straet (1523-1605), "Alchemy Studio" (1570). Palazzo Vecchio (Studiolo), Florence. Courtesy of Uffizi/Palazzo Vecchio, Florence.

Supplemental illustration: (16 February 2019): Dutch Factory at Surat as seen in April 1629. Plagerized / Reproduced by J.A. von Mandelso and labelled 'English factory' after an original etching by Pieter van den Broecke (1585-1640), a Dutch cloth merchant in the service of the Dutch East India Company in Korte Historiael ende Journaelsche Aenteyckeninghe published in Amsterdam, 1634. The only difference between the Mandelso & Broecke images is the distribution of people passing in front of the building. Image credit: British Library: 10095.aaa.49, p. 121 http://www.heritageinstitute.com/zoroastrianism/parsi/surat2.htm

Thévenot in India (15 February 2019): Antique gold finger Ring Arsi Rajasthan India http://www.ebay.com/itm/Rare-Vintage-antique-20-carat-Gold-finger-Ring-Arsi-Rajasthan-India-/380447781358

Supplemental Twitter illustration: (14 February 2019): Glass Ewer with cameo-cut ornament.
Translucent pale green over colorless glass. Blown, cased, wheel-cut, probably drilled, ground, and polished. Persia or Egypt, produced between about A.D. 975 and 1025. Courtesy of Corning Museum of Glass https://www.cmog.org/article/corning-ewer

Thévenot Continues East (13 February 2019): Stained glass windows of the Nasir al-Mulk 'Pink Mosque', Shiraz, Iran. Photo by Domiri Mohammad Reza Ganji. http://iranbusinessportal.com/stunning-photos-by-an-iranian-physicis/

Supplemental illustration (12 February 2019): The Hedwig beaker at the British Museum, may have originated in c17th Persia. Now thought to originate in Sicily  in the 10th to 12th century. see https://www.britishmuseum.org/research/collection_online/collection_object_details.aspx?objectId=217275&partId=1

Travels To The East (11 February 2019): 
Jean de Thévenot, from "Relation d'un voyage fait au Levant" Frontispiece, Thévenot, Jean de. Relation d’un voyage fait au Levant. Paris: L. Billaine, 1665 Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jean_de_Th%C3%A9venot_(1664).jpg

Supplemental Twitter illustration: (9 February 2019):  Piazza Santa Trìnita, Florence, the column of justice,  a massive granite column from the east section of the Baths of Caracalla in Rome. It was the gift of Pope Pius IV in 1560 for Cosimo I, the first Grand Duke of Florence. In 1581 the Justice statue by Tadda was added to the top of the column http://www.florence-on-line.com/piazzas/piazza-santa-trinita.html

Weights and Measures (8 February 2019):
"The Proclamation regarding Weights and Measures A.D. 1556" by Ford Madox Brown, a mural at Manchester Town Hall. Courtesy of Wikimedia commons. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:BrownManchesterMuralProclamation.jpg

Supplemental illustration  (7 February 2019):  Antonio Neri, "L'Arte Vetraria…" (Firenze: Giunti, 1612), p. i. (title page) https://books.google.com/books?id=XcnYJuJpMbEC

A Deeper Accomplishment   (6 February 2019): 
From Antonio Neri, "Treasure of the World" MS Ferguson 67, f. 22r. Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.

Supplemental illustration (5 February 2019): Domenico Passignano (1559 – 17 May 1638), The c. 1598 altarpiece that was commissioned for the Neri chapel at  Cestello by Antonio Neri’s father. Courtesy of Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domenico_Passignano

Final Restingplace ?: (4 February 2019):
Neri Chapel, Santa Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi, Borgo Pinti, 58, Florence, Italy. Photo by Paul Engle 2011

Supplemental illustration (February 2019):  Federico Barocci (1535–1612), Aeneas' Flight from Troy, 1598. Galleria Borghese  https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Aeneas%27_Flight_from_Troy_by_Federico_Barocci.jpg

We Were Trojans (1 February 2019):
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo or 'Giandomenico Tiepolo' (1727-1804), "Procession of the Trojan Horse in Troy", Wikimedia foundation, (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Giovanni_Domenico_Tipeolo,_Procession_of_the_Trojan_Horse_in_Troy._1773..jpg)

January 2019
Supplemental  illustration: (31 January 2019): http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Orto_botanico_di_Pisa_-_old_instiitute.JPG  Orto botanico di Pisa - old institute building. Pisa, Italy. Photo by "Daderot" 2006, GDFL.

Neri in Pisa (30 January 2019):
Grotesque style Euer by Niccolo Sisti, Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza. Photo 2009, Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, the Wikimedia OTRS system, ticket #2009032510047417. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pisa_Nicol%C3%B2_Sisti_1590c_21511.JPG

Supplemental Twitter illustration: (29 January 2019): Philip William, Prince of Orange, Emanuel van Meteren (1535-1612), Simeon Ruytinck (-1621). Engraver: H. Jacopsen. Photography: D-vorm, Bert en Lilian Mellink. Courtesy of Wikimedia commons. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Emanuel_van_Meteren_Historie_ppn_051504510_MG_8780_philips_guillaume.tif

Dear Friends (28 January 2019):
The library of the University of Leiden (1610), where Christoph Plantin worked from 1583 to 1585. Picture courtesy of Frédéric Barbier http://histoire-du-livre.blogspot.com/2012_04_01_archive.html (28 Avril 2012). University Library Leiden in 1610 from Woudanus in ''Stedeboeck der Nederlanden'', Amsterdam: Willem Blaeu, 1649.

Supplemental Twitter illustration (26 January 2019): Georges de La Tour’s The Fortune Teller c.1630. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York http://www.abcgallery.com/L/latour/latour33.html

Alchemist's Assistant (25 January 2019):
Spine of Agnolo della Casa, BNCF MS. Palatino 867 [756 - 21, 2.] Serie Targioni, II, v. 3. Courtesy of Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze.

Supplemental illustration (24 January 2019): Paste gem and gold finger ring, 1600s, courtesy of The Museum of London, via https://www.pinterest.com/pin/76772368617930715/

Artificial Gems (23 January 2019):
Pendant, paste gems, Portugal ca. 1750. V&A acquisition nr.M.68-1962 http://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O113043/pendant-unknown/

Supplemental illustration (22 January 2019): Potassium bitartrate crystals. Photo Courtesy of Vintner’s Cellar Waterloo http://www.vintnerscellarwaterloo.com/article/29/wine_diamonds_or_crystals_in_a_bottle.html

Scraping the Barrel (21 January 2019):
4th century BCE philosopher Diogenes, “Alexander and Diogenes” 1792 painting by Gaetano Gandolfi (1792). Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Gaetano_Gandolfi_-_Alexander_and_Diogenes.jpg

Supplemental illustration: (19 January 2019): Ticino paver stones in Pavia, Italy Photo courtesy of Kaanz photography,  www.facebook.com/kaanzphotography

Pebbles from Pavia (18 January 2019):
William Pars (1742‑1782) “A Bridge on the River Ticino, near Polleggio” c.1770. Graphite and watercolor on paper Image courtesy  of the Tate Museum, London.  http://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/pars-a-bridge-on-the-river-ticino-near-polleggio-t08276

Supplemental Twitter illustration (17 January 2019): Oculus above the portal of the White Penitents Chapel in Montpellier, France. Stained glass window featuring the Holy Spirit, as a dove, symbol of the Confraternity and motto: "Spiritus Sanctus ubi vult spirat". [The Holy Spirit blows where it wishes] 17th century. Photo courtesy Wikimedia. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sainte-Foy,_chapelle_des_P%C3%A9nitents_blancs_de_Montpellier._Oculus_du_Saint-Esprit_symbole_de_la_Confr%C3%A9rie.jpg

Montpellier (16 January 2019):
Engraved view of Montpellier, France, in the seventeenth century. German, 1660. Attribution unknown, http://www.museeprotestant.org/en/notice/the-last-religious-wars/

Supplemental illustration: (15 January 2019): Cardinal de Richelieu, Philippe de Champaigne 1641. courtesy of wikimedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardinal_Richelieu#/media/File:Cardinal_de_Richelieu_mg_0053.jpg

Vitrum Flexile (14 January 2019): Roman Emperor Tiberius - Glass paste cameo c 20ACE by "Herophilos, Son of Dioskurides. Courtesy https://www.pinterest.com/pin/354799276865127678/

Sonnet for a Barber (10 January 2019):
Bust portrait of Luigi [Lodovico?] Domenechi facing right set within an elaborate cartouche Engraving. Italian, 'Medaglia del [Antonio Francesco]Doni' print made by: Enea Vico, 1550-1564.  Courtesy of  the British Museum, inventory #1867,1012.650.

Reflections on the Mirror (9 January 2019):
[1]Jan van Eyck, The Arnolfini Portrait (1434), National Gallery, London, courtesy of Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Van_Eyck_-_Arnolfini_Portrait.jpg

[2] Detail of same.

Supplemental Twitter illustration: (8 January 2019):
Main entrance (detail) of Casino di San Marco, Florence, Italy. Macaque monkey over entrance embodies the playful spirit of discovery practiced inside. Photo by  "Sailko" 2007, via Wikimedia https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Casino_di_san_marco,_scimmietta.JPG

Casino di San Marco (7 January 2019):
Courtesy of ARCHIDIS - Fondo disegni tecnici del Comune di Firenze. Direction de Toscana place de Florence. Coupe du casin de S. Marc, prise sur la ligne. Cart. 5 tavola 1. sul retro: classe 1° Casino di S. Marco. n. 3 piante del casino della Livia - cav. Mazzei. Amfce 0533 (cass. 16 ins. A2). (http://opac.comune.firenze.it/).

Reticello (4 January 2019):
Reticello by Aaron Tate http://www.aarontate.com/ , Photo (c) by David Lindes courtesy of David Lindes. http://www.flickr.com/photos/lindes/78440530/.

Supplemental illustration: (3 January 2019): Stained glass window of Marc Chagall's work at the U.N. Image courtesy of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:UN_Glass.jpg

Zaffer: (2 January 2019) Antique Apothecary Pharmacy Bottles Cobalt Blue https://www.pinterest.com/pin/258605203572745183/

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