December 2014
Neri the Scholar
Francesco Bartolozzi, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, fine XVIII sec.
Faux Pearls
Johannes Vermeer, "Girl with a pearl earring" (1665-6). Courtesy of Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis, via Wikipedia:
Photo: Krén, Emil and Daniel Marx, Web Gallery of Art. Frescoes in the Cappella Scrovegni (Arena Chapel), Padua by Giotto, 1306, via
Fall from Grace
Felice Fontana portrait, attribution unknown (to me) - I'm looking. -PE
Here for a photo of the Fontana bust on display at La Specola:*sform=wellcome-images&_IXACTION_=query&%24%3Dtoday=&_IXFIRST_=1&%3Did_ref=M0018822&_IXSPFX_=templates/t&_IXFPFX_=templates/t&_IXMAXHITS_=1
Glass Salt
Denis Diderot, Jean le Rond d'Alembert eds., L'Encyclopédie, Vol. 10 (1772), “Wood Glass Making,” Raking Out Baked Frit (Verrerie – Verrerie en bois ou petite verrerie à pivette) fig. 15.
Neri's Travels
“Roma,” Antonio Neri, from Tesoro del Mondo (Neri 1598–1600), Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.
The Bead Trade
Hoard of Dutch and other European trade beads, courtesy of “My online bead museum”, photo by Floor Kaspers.
Rise and Fall Reprise
“Merry Company,” 1623. Gerard van Honthorst (1590–1656),
Courtesy of Staatsgalerie im Neuen Schloss, Schleißheim, via Wikimedia commons.,_Gerard_van_-_Merry_Company_-_1623.jpg
Francesco's Studiolo
The studiolo of Francesco de' Medici, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence. Photo courtesy of
Making Connections
Neri Medallion, Specola, Florence (manipulated to remove parallax distortion, and correct color) Original courtesy of Wikimedia commons,_medaglione_di_antonio_neri.JPG
Royal Apothecary Reprise
Fresco, early 16th century speziale, Castello di Issogne, lower Aosta Valley, Italy.Courtesy of Istituto Comprensivo Edmondo de Amicis - Marcallo con Casone.
Yellow glass
Created in 1995, by the studio of Dale Chihuly, this chandelier is made of 900 pieces of hand-blown glass. Weighing more than 1,000 pounds and measuring nine feet long and six feet wide, it contains 500 feet of yellow glass neon tubing. It is displayed at the Columbus, Indiana Visitors Center. Photo courtesy of the Center,
The Knights
“Fra Antonio Martelli, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Malta,” from about 1608. (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston) Photo courtesy of
Metal Veins Reprise
Antonio Neri, "Libro intitulato Il tesoro del mondo di Pietre Antonio Neri" (MS Ferguson 67, GB 0247, Glasgow University Library, Special Collections, 1598-1600) f. 5r, 6r.
November 2014
More on Manganese
Santa Cristina Chapel, overlooking the valley near Monte di Voragno, Piedmont Italy. Photo courtesy of
Paracelsus , one of many anomyous copies of the seventeenth century from a lost original by Quentin Massys. Courtesy of Wikipedia.
Aureolus Philipp Theophra Paracels, courtesy of ‘Images from the History of Medicine’, U.S. National Library of Medicine (NML). Portrait no. 5197.15, Record UI: 101433870, Image ID:186083,%201493-1541;sort:Title%2CSubject_MeSH_Term%2CCreator_Person%2CCreator_Organization;lc:NLMNLM~1~1&mi=0&trs=25
A Matter of Plagiarism (M.G. Grazzini)
Francesco Lana Terzi (1631-1687), Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons (Italy).
Title page of Lana Terzi's Prodromo, Courtesy of Internet Archives.
Overshadowed Rubino
Photo by Eric Hunt - Rhodochrosite, from the Sweet Home Mine, Colorado, private collection. Courtesy of Wikipedia.
The Dominican Connection
An early 20th-century photograph of the old distillery at S.M. Novella, attr. unknown, courtesy of
Cardinal del Monte Reprise
Ottavio Leoni Portrait of Francesco Maria del Monte (1578–1630). Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
Lake of Flowers
The Miracle of the immobility of Santa Lucia, 1596/7, by Leandro Bassano (1557–1622).
Benedetto Vanda
Veduta della Badia Fiesolana - Gaspar Van Wittel detto Vanvitelli (1652/3-1736)
Photo courtesy of Fra Coraggio, Occhio Fantastico Photostream, Flickr.
Galileo and Glass Reprise
Justus Sustermans (1597-1681), portrait of Galileo Galilei, 1636 (detail). National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.,_1636.jpg
Neri's Cabinet #8: Sulfur
Alchemical Symbol for Sulfur, created 2014 by Paul Engle in Photoshop. This image is in the public domain and may be used freely without attribution.
Broadway Tower, Worcestershire. The home of Phillipps' Middle Hill Press. Photo W. Lloyd MacKenzie, via Flickr @ via
The Dance of Lead Crystal
George Ravenscroft, Roemer type drinking glass c. 1677. Victoria and Albert Museum Collection. C.530-1936 (British Galleries, room 56d, case 13).
October 2014
Witch’s Brew of Glass
Glass pumpkin evocative of chalcedony glass. Photo courtesy of Smithsonian Museum store.
Alessandro Neri
Titian (Tiziano Vecellio); Christ Shown to the People (Ecce Homo), c.1570–76; oil on canvas; 43 x 37 5/16 in. (109.2 x 94.8 cm); Saint Louis Art Museum, Museum Purchase 10:1936. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
The Inquisition Reprise
Inquisition coat of arms, 1573. “EXURGE DOMINE ET JUDICA CAUSAM TUAM. PSALM. 73”. Enciclopedia Española. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
Sea fight with Barbary corsairs, c. 1581, Lorenzo Castro. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons,_Lorenzo_-_A_Sea_Fight_with_Barbary_Corsairs_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg
San Giovanni
Giacomo Brogi (1822-1881), "Florence - Church of San Giovani, the Baptistry". Catalogue # 3022. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.,_Giacomo_(1822-1881)_-_n._3022_-_Firenze_-_Chiesa_di_San_Giovanni_o_Battistero.jpg
Black is Beautiful Reprise
Black glass cameo vase, c. 1900, Thomas Webb.
Solid Water
Photo of Hawaiian waves (c) by Clark Little.
A Gift for the Innocent
One of the distinctive roundels designed by Andrea della Robbia for the facade of the Ospedale degli Innocenti. Andrea della Robbia, Florence. Photo: Kaushal Groningen, Netherlands 2007
The Purse of Envy Reprise
Antonio Neri, "The Mineral Gold" Tesoro del Mondo, (MS Ferguson 67, GB 0247, Glasgow University Library, Special Collections, 1598-1600), f. 5r.
Neri's Cabinet #7: Lime
Vintage 1920's Water Glass Label. Photo credit: HelenLaRuse
Antonio Who?
Antonio Neri's family arms, from his childhood residence in Florence. Ceiling panel of entrance vestibule, 27 Borgo Pinti, Florence. Neri family coat of arms. Photo by Paul Engle, 2011.
The Duke's Mouthwash Reprise
Ferdinando de’ Medici (1549-1609), Scipione Pulzone (1544 - 1598), Private collection.,-portrait-of-ferdinando-de-medi-1116-c-d137af3e89
Pope Kills Ten Days
Unknown Attribution, please contact with information.
The Blue Tower
De Blauwe Toren 1865, Jozef Linnig, Museum Plantin-Moretus / Prentenkabinet, nr. 3359/18 28/66
(photo by Bart Huysmans),com_memorix/task,result/searchplugin,categorie/Itemid,2/Categorie,tekening/cp,41/lang,fr/pp,40/mrxpopup,1/CollectionID,1/PhotoID,FAM001005136/RecordID,974067/ResultRecord,405/resultplugin,detail/do,5/
Antwerpen, het Arsenaal, 1601-1653
Circle of Jan Wildens, Pen and brown ink, brown wash on paper. RKD Netherlands Institute for Art History
Illustration number 0000053843.
Blauwe Toren, Edmond Fierlants
Antwerpen, Belgium, 1860 Photograph, Courtesy of Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience
September 2014
Neri's Cabinet #4
Potassium bitartrate crystals. Photo Courtesy of Vintner’s Cellar Waterloo
Antonio Neri, Tesoro del Mondo, 1598-1600, f. 7v, "Ars Preparatio Lapidum"(detail). Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.
Top Physician Reprise
Frontispiece from Ricettario Fiorentino 1597 ed, by Neri di Jacopo Neri, Giovan Battista Benadù, Francesco Rosselli and Giovanni Galletti. Courtesy of Wellcome Trust.*sform=wellcome-images&_IXACTION_=query&%24%3Dtoday=&_IXFIRST_=1&%3Did_ref=M0011854&_IXSPFX_=templates/t&_IXFPFX_=templates/t&_IXMAXHITS_=1
August 2014
Neri's Cabinet #3
Copper sulfate pentahydrate crystals, Photo by Wikipedia contributor “Stephanb” 2005, Courtesy of Wikimedia commons:
Alchemy in the Kitchen
Antonio Neri, 1508-1600, Tesoro del Mondo, "Ars Preparatio Animalium”, MS Ferguson 67, f. 10r (detail). Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.
Manganese from Piedmont Reprise
Image of two colored glass discs in green and magenta. Paul Engle, 2013, Photoshop.
Neri’s Cabinet #2
Alchemical symbols used to denote sal ammoniac. Paul Engle 2014, Photoshop, (after Medicinisch-Chymisch- und Alchemistisches Oraculum, Ulm, 1755).
The Dregs
"The struggle of fixed and volatile" allegorical illustration from Splendor solis [detail] 1582. British Library, London, (Harley MS 3469). Courtesy of
Don Giovanni Reprise
Don Giovanni di Cosimo I de’ Medici, attribution unknown, courtesy of Pinacoteca Nazionale di Siena
Neri’s Cabinet, #1
Filippo Sassetti
Goa, India 1509. “Goa fortissima India urbs in Christianorum potestatem anno salutis 1509 deuenit.” [detail] From Braun and Hogenberg, Civitates Orbis Terrarum I, p. 54. First Latin edition of was published in 1572. (After an unidentified Portuguese manuscript).
Alchemy School Reprise
Frontispiece woodcut from Zadith ben Hamuel De Chemia Senioris, 1566. See
Reports from Parnassus
The Parnassus is a fresco painting by Raphael in the Raphael Rooms ("Stanze di Raffaello"), in the Palace of the Vatican in Rome, painted at the commission of Pope Julius II in 1511. [detail] courtesy of Wikipedia:,_Roma,_1511).jpg
The Curious Reader
An unknown early modern reader with spectacles. Church of San Pedro y San Pablo Teposcolula, High Mixteca Region, Oaxaca, Mexico, 16th century fresco. Photo 2008, Christopher Stowens. Courtesy of “Oaxaca – The Year After” blog
The Art of Fire Reprise
Antonio Neri, MS Fergusin 67, 1598-1600, ink and water color. Antonio Neri, Treasure of the World, f. 22r. Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.
An ancient oil lamp (replica), photo courtesy of Frank Egan
July 2014
Physician 'Steel' Thyself
Donato Altomare, engr. C. Biendi, from "Biografia degli uomini illustri del regno di Napoli," There is an image online here:
The Neighbors Reprise
"Portrait of Giamologna"by Hendrick Goltzius, Teylers Museum, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
Francesco and Bianca
The remains of Grand Duke Francesco I de' Medici. Gino Fornaciari, et. al.
Don Giovanni in Flanders
Spanish attack on a Flemish village, Attr: Pieter Snayers. Courtesy of
True Colors Reprise
The European Roller [Pica Marina] Photo: Mehmet Goren, Pica Marina. Courtesy of Mehmet Goren.
Pica marina, Ulisse Aldrovandi, "Le tavole acquerellate di Ulisse Aldrovandi Tavole vol. 002 Animali ..." Manoscritto, Parnassus Scientiarum, Catalogue of the Waller Collection of History of Science and Medicine, Edited by Marco Beretta and Andrea Scotti Interface editor Daniele Nuzzo, Courtesy of the University of Bologna.
Ottavio Scarlattini, "Triumphator" from Homo et ejus partes, figuratus & symbolicus... 1695, p. 320. Image courtesy of JF Ptak The entire book is available online at
The Portland Vase
Portland Vase image courtesy of Wikimedia commons:
Wedgwood's Sydney Cove Medallion, image courtesy of
Glass Monks Reprise
Window of Santa Maria del Fiore cathedral, Florence, Italy. Window detail of Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence. Photo by Georges Jansoone, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
The Material of All Enamel 2014-07-11
Léonard Limosin, Allegory of Catherine de' Medici as Juno, French, 1573, Polychrome enamel on copper and silver. Courtesy Getty Museum
Exhibit Review: Art and Alchemy
François Marius Granet, The Alchemist.Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons:
Flexible Glass Reprise
Tiberius, Third Roman Emperor (42 BCE - 37 CE). Tomasso Moneta (?) after Antonio Tempesta (?), 1596, Lazio, Rome.
Del Monte's Ceiling
Antonio Neri, Treasure of the World, f.xxviii-v. Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.
Michelangelo Caravaggio, Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto, c. 1597. Casino Ludovisi. Courtesy of Wikipedia:,_Neptune_and_Pluto
Strange Bedfellows
Antonio Neri, Treasure of the World, "Brother Mauritio" detail from, f. 19r. Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.
On The Path of Antonio Neri
Antonio Neri, self Portrait, from Treasure of the World. 1598-1600, f.xxvii-v
(detail, enlarged and rotated). Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.
June 2014
Mother Dianora
Agnolo di Cosimo 'Bronzino,' "Portrait of Florentine Noblewoman" circa. 1540 Florence, (thought to be a cousin of Eleanor Toledo) Courtesy of the San Diego Museum of Art.
Giovanni Stradano, alias Jan van der Straet (1523-1605), "Alchemy Studio" (1570). Palazzo Vecchio (Studiolo), Florence.
Waxing Moon Reprise
Allain Manesson Mallet "Description de L'Univers" (Frankfurt: 1719)
Illustration: "Der Mont. – Lune"
Weights and Measures
"The Proclamation regarding Weights and Measures A.D. 1556" by Ford Madox Brown, a mural at Manchester Town Hall. Courtesy of Wikimedia commons.
The Old Post Road
A coach of the middle of the seventeenth century: from an engraving by John Dunstall.
A Student's History of England, v. 2 (of 3),1509-1689, by Samuel Rawson Gardiner
Neri in Pisa Reprise
Euer by Niccolo Sisti, Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza. Photo 2009, Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, the Wikimedia OTRS system, ticket #2009032510047417.
We Were Trojans
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo or 'Giandomenico Tiepolo' (1727-1804), "Procession of the Trojan Horse in Troy", Wikimedia foundation, (,_Procession_of_the_Trojan_Horse_in_Troy._1773..jpg)
Sonnet to a Barber
Bust portrait of Luigi [Lodovico?] Domenechi facing right set within an elaborate cartouche Engraving. Italian, 'Medaglia del [Antonio Francesco]Doni' print made by: Enea Vico, 1550-1564. Courtesy of the British Museum, inventory #1867,1012.650.
Artificial Gems Reprise
Pendant, paste gems, Portugal ca. 1750. V&A acquisition nr.M.68-1962
Dear Friends
The library of the University of Leiden (1610), where Christoph Plantin worked from 1583 to 1585. Picture courtesy of Frédéric Barbier (28 Avril 2012). University Library Leiden in 1610 from Woudanus in ''Stedeboeck der Nederlanden'', Amsterdam: Willem Blaeu, 1649.
A Note to Readers
"Conspicilla" (The Spectacles Seller), Jan van der Straet (Giovanni Stradano), Florence (b.1523-d.1605).
After Jan van der (Giovanni Stradano) Straet - engraved by Jan Collaert and Joan Galle (1600-76)
Della Casa's Notebooks Reprise
Spine of Agnolo della Casa, BNCF MS. Palatino 867 [756 - 21, 2.] Serie Targioni, II, v. 3. Courtesy of Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze.
May 2014
Pebbles from Pavia
William Pars (1742‑1782) “A Bridge on the River Ticino, near Polleggio” c.1770. Graphite and watercolour on paper Image courtesy of the Tate Museum, London.
Scraping the Barrel
4th century BCE philosopher Diogenes, “Alexander and Diogenes” 1792
painting by Gaetano Gandolfi (1792). Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons:
The Importance of Being Diligent
Fennec fox pup, attribution unknown, born at the Everland Zoo in South Korea in September of 2008.
Don Antonio de’ Medici
Frontispiece from Pierfilippo Covoni, Don Antonio de' Medici Al Casino Di San Marco, Firenze, 1892. Image from personal collection of Paul Engle. There is a public domain copy here:
Washing Molten Glass
Washing, sorting and carrying cullet, from Denis Diderot 1772. Recueil des planches sur les sciences, les arts libéraux, et les arts mechaniques : avec leur explication, v. 10, plate 16. Paris : Briasson, 1772. Image courtesy of Corning Museum of Glass, featured (fig.3) in “Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Women Working with Glass,”
The Neri Chapel
The Vision of St Bernard (c. 1598), by Pietro Perugino (1448–1523). Current location: The Pinakothek Museums in the Kunstareal Munich. Image courtesy of Wikipedia,_apparizione_della_vergine_a_san_bernardo,_monaco.jpg
Eyes of a Lynx Reprise
The seal of the Academia dei Lincei. Courtesy of Accademia dei Lincei, Palazzo Corsini - Via della Lungara, 10, Rome.
Book of Secrets
Title page of Antonio Neri’s L’Arte Vetraria, 1612. Image courtesy of Google Books
April 2014
Primordial Matter
Mining practices, from Georgius Agricola (Georg Bauer), De Re Metallica 1556, Image courtesy of University of Arizona Mineral Museum. (1540 ed is here: )
Ceiling panel of entrance vestibule, 27 Borgo Pinti, Florence. Neri family coat of arms. Photo by Paul Engle, 2011.
Rosichiero Glass
Venice Sunset, Artist unknown, courtesy of "free wallpaper" at - Please contact me if you know the artist.
The Godparents III
Portrait of Alessandro Gondi as a child (1569) by Anguissola Sofonisba. Courtesy of Fondazione Federico Zeri, University of Bologna, entry #36011, container #0371.
Casino di San Marco
Courtesy of ARCHIDIS - Fondo disegni tecnici del Comune di Firenze. Direction de Toscana place de Florence. Coupe du casin de S. Marc, prise sur la ligne. Cart. 5 tavola 1. sul retro: classe 1° Casino di S. Marco. n. 3 piante del casino della Livia - cav. Mazzei. Amfce 0533 (cass. 16 ins. A2). (
The Godparents II
Opening lines of Piero della Stufa’s MS. translating Luca della Robbia from Latin to Italian. Courtesy of Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Codex 461
The Godparents
Guido Reni (1575–1642), St Joseph with the Infant Jesus (c. 1635), at the Hermitage, in St. Petersburg. Oil on canvas. Courtesy of Wikipedia:,_c_1635.jpg
Carries the Palm
Assisi frescoes, entry into Jerusalem. Pietro Lorenzetti, 1320. Assisi, Lower Basilica, San Francesco, southern transept. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons:
Saint Justina of Padua with a palm frond, Bartolo Montagna 1490s, oil on wood. Courtesy of The Metropolital Museum of Art, Accession Number: 14.40.606.
Copper Sulfate (vitriol of copper), courtesy of Wikimedia Commons: Photo by: ‘Stephanb’
Glass Ornaments
Artist: Alyssa Ruklic (2011?) Acrylic paint inside clear glass ornaments. (a modern likeness of Antonio Neri's perscription) Pintarest Christmas ornament contest.
Bes image, Third Intermediate Period (ca. 1070–712 B.C.) Image courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. Egyptian Faience Purchase, Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1926 (26.7.878)
Salamander Reprise
Michael Maier, Atalanta fugiens, hoc est, Emblemata Nova de Secretis Naturae Chymica... (Oppenheim: Johann Theodori de Bry, 1617), emblem 29.
Window at Basilique Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres, located 80 km (50 mi) southwest of Paris, (constructed between 1194 and 1250). Photo by “Vassil”, image courtesy of Wikimedia commons:
Who Was Isaac Hollandus?
Illustration from: Isaac J. Hollandus, Chymische Schriften, Vienna 1773. Earlier 1666 ed is here (p. 13)
March 2014
Chalcedony Glass Reprise
Ribbed vessel, chalcedony glass, seventeenth century, 20 cm.
Collection of the Museo del Monastero di Santa Giulia, Brescia
Courtesy of Fondazione Marilena Ferrari.
Pure Technique
Filtering apparatus, Antonio Neri, MS Ferguson 67(1598-1600), f. 40r. Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.
The Béguines of Mechelen
A Béguine of Antwerp, from Pierre Hélyot, L'Histoire des ordres monastiques… 1719 (v.8) Courtesy of Google Books:
Sara VincxReprise
Detail from: Roses and an iris in a glass vase, crabs and prawns on a pewter platter, a Facon-de-Venise wineglass, a stoneware ewer, a bunch of grapes. By Alexander Adriaenssen b. 1587, Antwerp, d. 1661, Antwerp.
Red Like Blood
Dionysos in a ship, sailing among dolphins, bowl discovered at Vulci, Viterbo.Artist: Exekias (c. 530 BCE). Courtesy of Wikipedia:
Cross Pollination
The art of stonework, from MS Ferguson 67, f. 7r, (1598-1600)
Antonio Neri. Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.
Women in Early Modern Alchemy Reprise
Antonio Neri, "Libro intitulato Il tesoro del mondo di Pietre Antonio Neri" (MS Ferguson 67, GB 0247, Glasgow University Library, Special Collections, 1598-1600) f. 25r, 35r, 37r.
Conciatore Turns One Hundred
Cover art from “Conciatore, The Life And Times of Seventeenth Century Glassmaker Antonio Neri” by Paul Engle. Courtesy of Heiden & Engle Publishing.
Friar Mauritio, Treasure of the world, (1598-1600) f.19v (detail)Antonio Neri. MS. Ferguson 67, courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.
Laughing In the Fern Reprise
Blätter des Manns Walfarn, by Alois Auer, Vienna: Imperial Printing Office, 1853. Courtesy of the Wikimedia foundation: Nature print, (,_Alois_Auer_.jpg).
Like Fathers, Like Sons
Alchemist(s) -Hans Weiditz , (c. 1520). Courtesy of Adam McLean, The Alchemy Web Site:
Borgo Pinti (part 2)
Palazzi Ximenes panciatichi da sangallo, courtyard. Photo by “Sailko”, courtesy of Wikipedia:,_cortile_01.JPG
Borgo Pinti
Palazzo Marzichi Lenzi, Florence. Photo by “Sailko”, courtesy of Wikipedia:
January 2014
Fleur-de-lis symbol on street of Florence. Photo © by Adrian Hancu, courtesy of 123rf stock photos, image ID: 13515032.
Mirror, Mirror On the Wall
Jan van Eyck, The Arnolfini Portrait (1434), National Gallery, London, courtesy of Wikipedia,
Detail of same.
A Painterly Inclination
The Conversion of Mary Magdalen, Reverse painted glass, French (?) 1660-75. Courtesy of Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Inventory number 146-1879.
Perfume and pasticche from the Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella. Photo © Lori Engle, January 2014.
Glass as Pasta
Paste gem and gold finger ring, 1600s, courtesy og The Museum of London, via
Lost and Found
Medici Archives, Florence. Photo courtesy of the Medici Archives, via
The Kabbalah
Kabbalistic Sephiroth Tree, from Portae Lucis, Paulus Ricius (Trans. of “Shaare ora” by Joseph Gikatilla) Augsburg, 1516.
Ferdinando’s Wedding
Orazio Scarabelli (1592), 1589 Naval Battle In The Courtyard Of The Palazzo Pitti.
Old Friends Not Be Forgot
Portrait of Giacinto Talducci (della Casa), Justus Sustermans. Courtesy of Pitti Palace, Inv. 1890 no. 4271.
Neri the Scholar
Francesco Bartolozzi, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, fine XVIII sec.
Johannes Vermeer, "Girl with a pearl earring" (1665-6). Courtesy of Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis, via Wikipedia:
Photo: Krén, Emil and Daniel Marx, Web Gallery of Art. Frescoes in the Cappella Scrovegni (Arena Chapel), Padua by Giotto, 1306, via
Fall from Grace
Felice Fontana portrait, attribution unknown (to me) - I'm looking. -PE
Here for a photo of the Fontana bust on display at La Specola:*sform=wellcome-images&_IXACTION_=query&%24%3Dtoday=&_IXFIRST_=1&%3Did_ref=M0018822&_IXSPFX_=templates/t&_IXFPFX_=templates/t&_IXMAXHITS_=1
Glass Salt
Denis Diderot, Jean le Rond d'Alembert eds., L'Encyclopédie, Vol. 10 (1772), “Wood Glass Making,” Raking Out Baked Frit (Verrerie – Verrerie en bois ou petite verrerie à pivette) fig. 15.
Neri's Travels
“Roma,” Antonio Neri, from Tesoro del Mondo (Neri 1598–1600), Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.
The Bead Trade
Hoard of Dutch and other European trade beads, courtesy of “My online bead museum”, photo by Floor Kaspers.
“Merry Company,” 1623. Gerard van Honthorst (1590–1656),
Courtesy of Staatsgalerie im Neuen Schloss, Schleißheim, via Wikimedia commons.,_Gerard_van_-_Merry_Company_-_1623.jpg
Francesco's Studiolo
The studiolo of Francesco de' Medici, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence. Photo courtesy of
Making Connections
Neri Medallion, Specola, Florence (manipulated to remove parallax distortion, and correct color) Original courtesy of Wikimedia commons,_medaglione_di_antonio_neri.JPG
Royal Apothecary Reprise
Fresco, early 16th century speziale, Castello di Issogne, lower Aosta Valley, Italy.Courtesy of Istituto Comprensivo Edmondo de Amicis - Marcallo con Casone.
Yellow glass
Created in 1995, by the studio of Dale Chihuly, this chandelier is made of 900 pieces of hand-blown glass. Weighing more than 1,000 pounds and measuring nine feet long and six feet wide, it contains 500 feet of yellow glass neon tubing. It is displayed at the Columbus, Indiana Visitors Center. Photo courtesy of the Center,
The Knights
“Fra Antonio Martelli, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Malta,” from about 1608. (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston) Photo courtesy of
Metal Veins Reprise
Antonio Neri, "Libro intitulato Il tesoro del mondo di Pietre Antonio Neri" (MS Ferguson 67, GB 0247, Glasgow University Library, Special Collections, 1598-1600) f. 5r, 6r.
November 2014
More on Manganese
Santa Cristina Chapel, overlooking the valley near Monte di Voragno, Piedmont Italy. Photo courtesy of
Paracelsus , one of many anomyous copies of the seventeenth century from a lost original by Quentin Massys. Courtesy of Wikipedia.
Aureolus Philipp Theophra Paracels, courtesy of ‘Images from the History of Medicine’, U.S. National Library of Medicine (NML). Portrait no. 5197.15, Record UI: 101433870, Image ID:186083,%201493-1541;sort:Title%2CSubject_MeSH_Term%2CCreator_Person%2CCreator_Organization;lc:NLMNLM~1~1&mi=0&trs=25
Francesco Lana Terzi (1631-1687), Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons (Italy).
Title page of Lana Terzi's Prodromo, Courtesy of Internet Archives.
Photo by Eric Hunt - Rhodochrosite, from the Sweet Home Mine, Colorado, private collection. Courtesy of Wikipedia.
The Dominican Connection
An early 20th-century photograph of the old distillery at S.M. Novella, attr. unknown, courtesy of
Cardinal del Monte Reprise
Ottavio Leoni Portrait of Francesco Maria del Monte (1578–1630). Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
Lake of Flowers
The Miracle of the immobility of Santa Lucia, 1596/7, by Leandro Bassano (1557–1622).
S Giorgio Maggiore Venice, 1st Altar from the entrance left. Photo credit: Basilica S Giorgio Maggiore Edizione della Basilica 2000 P.26, courtesy of Wikimedia commons.,Leandro_Martyr_S_Lucia.jpg
Benedetto Vanda
Veduta della Badia Fiesolana - Gaspar Van Wittel detto Vanvitelli (1652/3-1736)
Photo courtesy of Fra Coraggio, Occhio Fantastico Photostream, Flickr.
Galileo and Glass Reprise
Justus Sustermans (1597-1681), portrait of Galileo Galilei, 1636 (detail). National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.,_1636.jpg
Neri's Cabinet #8: Sulfur
Alchemical Symbol for Sulfur, created 2014 by Paul Engle in Photoshop. This image is in the public domain and may be used freely without attribution.
Broadway Tower, Worcestershire. The home of Phillipps' Middle Hill Press. Photo W. Lloyd MacKenzie, via Flickr @ via
The Dance of Lead Crystal
George Ravenscroft, Roemer type drinking glass c. 1677. Victoria and Albert Museum Collection. C.530-1936 (British Galleries, room 56d, case 13).
October 2014
Witch’s Brew of Glass
Glass pumpkin evocative of chalcedony glass. Photo courtesy of Smithsonian Museum store.
Alessandro Neri
Titian (Tiziano Vecellio); Christ Shown to the People (Ecce Homo), c.1570–76; oil on canvas; 43 x 37 5/16 in. (109.2 x 94.8 cm); Saint Louis Art Museum, Museum Purchase 10:1936. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
The Inquisition Reprise
Inquisition coat of arms, 1573. “EXURGE DOMINE ET JUDICA CAUSAM TUAM. PSALM. 73”. Enciclopedia Española. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
Sea fight with Barbary corsairs, c. 1581, Lorenzo Castro. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons,_Lorenzo_-_A_Sea_Fight_with_Barbary_Corsairs_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg
San Giovanni
Giacomo Brogi (1822-1881), "Florence - Church of San Giovani, the Baptistry". Catalogue # 3022. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.,_Giacomo_(1822-1881)_-_n._3022_-_Firenze_-_Chiesa_di_San_Giovanni_o_Battistero.jpg
Black is Beautiful Reprise
Black glass cameo vase, c. 1900, Thomas Webb.
Solid Water
Photo of Hawaiian waves (c) by Clark Little.
A Gift for the Innocent
One of the distinctive roundels designed by Andrea della Robbia for the facade of the Ospedale degli Innocenti. Andrea della Robbia, Florence. Photo: Kaushal Groningen, Netherlands 2007
The Purse of Envy Reprise
Antonio Neri, "The Mineral Gold" Tesoro del Mondo, (MS Ferguson 67, GB 0247, Glasgow University Library, Special Collections, 1598-1600), f. 5r.
Neri's Cabinet #7: Lime
Vintage 1920's Water Glass Label. Photo credit: HelenLaRuse
Antonio Who?
Antonio Neri's family arms, from his childhood residence in Florence. Ceiling panel of entrance vestibule, 27 Borgo Pinti, Florence. Neri family coat of arms. Photo by Paul Engle, 2011.
The Duke's Mouthwash Reprise
Ferdinando de’ Medici (1549-1609), Scipione Pulzone (1544 - 1598), Private collection.,-portrait-of-ferdinando-de-medi-1116-c-d137af3e89
Pope Kills Ten Days
Unknown Attribution, please contact with information.
The Blue Tower
De Blauwe Toren 1865, Jozef Linnig, Museum Plantin-Moretus / Prentenkabinet, nr. 3359/18 28/66
(photo by Bart Huysmans),com_memorix/task,result/searchplugin,categorie/Itemid,2/Categorie,tekening/cp,41/lang,fr/pp,40/mrxpopup,1/CollectionID,1/PhotoID,FAM001005136/RecordID,974067/ResultRecord,405/resultplugin,detail/do,5/
Antwerpen, het Arsenaal, 1601-1653
Circle of Jan Wildens, Pen and brown ink, brown wash on paper. RKD Netherlands Institute for Art History
Illustration number 0000053843.
Blauwe Toren, Edmond Fierlants
Antwerpen, Belgium, 1860 Photograph, Courtesy of Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience
Lixiviation Reprise
Salsola Kali plant used in Mediterranean glassmaking. Chenopodiaceae - Salsola kali. From: Flora batava by Jan Kops and others. Amsterdam, J.C. Sepp, 1807, volume 2 (plate 133). Hand-coloured engraving (sheet 225 x 278 mm).
A Network of Alchemists
The Alchemist 1558, Pieter Brugle the Elder. British Museum, London,
A Third Eye Toward History
"The Law of One" Lex Simone, Houston Texas.
“All Seeing Eye” or "Third Eye" (an ancient symbol) tatoo art, unknown artist. Here and elsewhere
Deadly Fumes Reprise
Nikolaus Alexander Mair von Landshut, 1605. (active ca. 1485, d 1520). From a series of six engravings of memento mori. Courtesy of The Trustees of the British Museum, Department: Prints & Drawings, Registration number: 1893,1020.4
Neri's Cabinet #6: Saltpeter
Saltpeter beds, 1683 English ed. Beschreibung allerfurnemisten mineralischen Ertzt
by Lazarus Ercker. (Prague, 1574). Page 133 in this edition:
The Art of Metals
The Discovery of Glass Reprise
Salsola Kali plant used in Mediterranean glassmaking. Chenopodiaceae - Salsola kali. From: Flora batava by Jan Kops and others. Amsterdam, J.C. Sepp, 1807, volume 2 (plate 133). Hand-coloured engraving (sheet 225 x 278 mm).
A Network of Alchemists
The Alchemist 1558, Pieter Brugle the Elder. British Museum, London,
A Third Eye Toward History
"The Law of One" Lex Simone, Houston Texas.
“All Seeing Eye” or "Third Eye" (an ancient symbol) tatoo art, unknown artist. Here and elsewhere
Deadly Fumes Reprise
Nikolaus Alexander Mair von Landshut, 1605. (active ca. 1485, d 1520). From a series of six engravings of memento mori. Courtesy of The Trustees of the British Museum, Department: Prints & Drawings, Registration number: 1893,1020.4
Neri's Cabinet #6: Saltpeter
Saltpeter beds, 1683 English ed. Beschreibung allerfurnemisten mineralischen Ertzt
by Lazarus Ercker. (Prague, 1574). Page 133 in this edition:
The Art of Metals
Fig. 1: Antonio Neri, "Ars Preparatio Metallor[um]" in Tesoro del Mondo, f. 8r.MS Ferguson 67, f. 10r (detail). Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.
Fig 2: Alessandro Fei (Barbieri) "Goldsmith's Workshop" c. 1572. Studiolo of Francesco I de' Medici , Palazzo Vecchio, Florence.;view=fulltext
Fig 2: Alessandro Fei (Barbieri) "Goldsmith's Workshop" c. 1572. Studiolo of Francesco I de' Medici , Palazzo Vecchio, Florence.;view=fulltext
Giovan Maria Butteri, Studiolo
of Francesco I de' Medici , c.1572,_pitture_10_giovanni_maria_butteri,_Scoperta_del_vetro.JPG
Neri's Cabinet #5: Sulfur of Saturn
Peter Paul Rubens c. 1630,
“Abundance (Abundantia).”
The Art of Preparing Plants
Antonio Neri, "Arts Preparatio frugu vel Piantar."
in Tesoro del Mondo, f. 9r. Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.
Art and Science Reprise
Jacopo Ligozzi,1518,
fanciful glass vessels, ink and watercolor on paper. Galleria degli Uffizi.
Neri's Cabinet #4
Potassium bitartrate crystals. Photo Courtesy of Vintner’s Cellar Waterloo
Antonio Neri, Tesoro del Mondo, 1598-1600, f. 7v, "Ars Preparatio Lapidum"(detail). Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.
Top Physician Reprise
Frontispiece from Ricettario Fiorentino 1597 ed, by Neri di Jacopo Neri, Giovan Battista Benadù, Francesco Rosselli and Giovanni Galletti. Courtesy of Wellcome Trust.*sform=wellcome-images&_IXACTION_=query&%24%3Dtoday=&_IXFIRST_=1&%3Did_ref=M0011854&_IXSPFX_=templates/t&_IXFPFX_=templates/t&_IXMAXHITS_=1
August 2014
Neri's Cabinet #3
Copper sulfate pentahydrate crystals, Photo by Wikipedia contributor “Stephanb” 2005, Courtesy of Wikimedia commons:
Alchemy in the Kitchen
Antonio Neri, 1508-1600, Tesoro del Mondo, "Ars Preparatio Animalium”, MS Ferguson 67, f. 10r (detail). Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.
Manganese from Piedmont Reprise
Image of two colored glass discs in green and magenta. Paul Engle, 2013, Photoshop.
Neri’s Cabinet #2
Alchemical symbols used to denote sal ammoniac. Paul Engle 2014, Photoshop, (after Medicinisch-Chymisch- und Alchemistisches Oraculum, Ulm, 1755).
The Dregs
"The struggle of fixed and volatile" allegorical illustration from Splendor solis [detail] 1582. British Library, London, (Harley MS 3469). Courtesy of
Don Giovanni Reprise
Don Giovanni di Cosimo I de’ Medici, attribution unknown, courtesy of Pinacoteca Nazionale di Siena
Neri’s Cabinet, #1
From Medicinisch-Chymisch- und Alchemistisches Oraculum, Ulm, 1755. Courtesy of The Alchemy Website,
Goa, India 1509. “Goa fortissima India urbs in Christianorum potestatem anno salutis 1509 deuenit.” [detail] From Braun and Hogenberg, Civitates Orbis Terrarum I, p. 54. First Latin edition of was published in 1572. (After an unidentified Portuguese manuscript).
Alchemy School Reprise
Frontispiece woodcut from Zadith ben Hamuel De Chemia Senioris, 1566. See
Reports from Parnassus
The Parnassus is a fresco painting by Raphael in the Raphael Rooms ("Stanze di Raffaello"), in the Palace of the Vatican in Rome, painted at the commission of Pope Julius II in 1511. [detail] courtesy of Wikipedia:,_Roma,_1511).jpg
The Curious Reader
An unknown early modern reader with spectacles. Church of San Pedro y San Pablo Teposcolula, High Mixteca Region, Oaxaca, Mexico, 16th century fresco. Photo 2008, Christopher Stowens. Courtesy of “Oaxaca – The Year After” blog
The Art of Fire Reprise
Antonio Neri, MS Fergusin 67, 1598-1600, ink and water color. Antonio Neri, Treasure of the World, f. 22r. Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.
An ancient oil lamp (replica), photo courtesy of Frank Egan
July 2014
Physician 'Steel' Thyself
Donato Altomare, engr. C. Biendi, from "Biografia degli uomini illustri del regno di Napoli," There is an image online here:
The Neighbors Reprise
"Portrait of Giamologna"by Hendrick Goltzius, Teylers Museum, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
Francesco and Bianca
The remains of Grand Duke Francesco I de' Medici. Gino Fornaciari, et. al.
Don Giovanni in Flanders
Spanish attack on a Flemish village, Attr: Pieter Snayers. Courtesy of
True Colors Reprise
The European Roller [Pica Marina] Photo: Mehmet Goren, Pica Marina. Courtesy of Mehmet Goren.
Pica marina, Ulisse Aldrovandi, "Le tavole acquerellate di Ulisse Aldrovandi Tavole vol. 002 Animali ..." Manoscritto, Parnassus Scientiarum, Catalogue of the Waller Collection of History of Science and Medicine, Edited by Marco Beretta and Andrea Scotti Interface editor Daniele Nuzzo, Courtesy of the University of Bologna.
Ottavio Scarlattini, "Triumphator" from Homo et ejus partes, figuratus & symbolicus... 1695, p. 320. Image courtesy of JF Ptak The entire book is available online at
The Portland Vase
Portland Vase image courtesy of Wikimedia commons:
Wedgwood's Sydney Cove Medallion, image courtesy of
Glass Monks Reprise
Window of Santa Maria del Fiore cathedral, Florence, Italy. Window detail of Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence. Photo by Georges Jansoone, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
The Material of All Enamel 2014-07-11
Léonard Limosin, Allegory of Catherine de' Medici as Juno, French, 1573, Polychrome enamel on copper and silver. Courtesy Getty Museum
François Marius Granet, The Alchemist.Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons:
Flexible Glass Reprise
Tiberius, Third Roman Emperor (42 BCE - 37 CE). Tomasso Moneta (?) after Antonio Tempesta (?), 1596, Lazio, Rome.
Del Monte's Ceiling
Antonio Neri, Treasure of the World, f.xxviii-v. Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.
Michelangelo Caravaggio, Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto, c. 1597. Casino Ludovisi. Courtesy of Wikipedia:,_Neptune_and_Pluto
Strange Bedfellows
Antonio Neri, Treasure of the World, "Brother Mauritio" detail from, f. 19r. Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.
On The Path of Antonio Neri
Antonio Neri, self Portrait, from Treasure of the World. 1598-1600, f.xxvii-v
(detail, enlarged and rotated). Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.
June 2014
Mother Dianora
Agnolo di Cosimo 'Bronzino,' "Portrait of Florentine Noblewoman" circa. 1540 Florence, (thought to be a cousin of Eleanor Toledo) Courtesy of the San Diego Museum of Art.
Giovanni Stradano, alias Jan van der Straet (1523-1605), "Alchemy Studio" (1570). Palazzo Vecchio (Studiolo), Florence.
Waxing Moon Reprise
Allain Manesson Mallet "Description de L'Univers" (Frankfurt: 1719)
Illustration: "Der Mont. – Lune"
Weights and Measures
"The Proclamation regarding Weights and Measures A.D. 1556" by Ford Madox Brown, a mural at Manchester Town Hall. Courtesy of Wikimedia commons.
A coach of the middle of the seventeenth century: from an engraving by John Dunstall.
A Student's History of England, v. 2 (of 3),1509-1689, by Samuel Rawson Gardiner
Neri in Pisa Reprise
Euer by Niccolo Sisti, Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza. Photo 2009, Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, the Wikimedia OTRS system, ticket #2009032510047417.
We Were Trojans
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo or 'Giandomenico Tiepolo' (1727-1804), "Procession of the Trojan Horse in Troy", Wikimedia foundation, (,_Procession_of_the_Trojan_Horse_in_Troy._1773..jpg)
Bust portrait of Luigi [Lodovico?] Domenechi facing right set within an elaborate cartouche Engraving. Italian, 'Medaglia del [Antonio Francesco]Doni' print made by: Enea Vico, 1550-1564. Courtesy of the British Museum, inventory #1867,1012.650.
Artificial Gems Reprise
Pendant, paste gems, Portugal ca. 1750. V&A acquisition nr.M.68-1962
Dear Friends
The library of the University of Leiden (1610), where Christoph Plantin worked from 1583 to 1585. Picture courtesy of Frédéric Barbier (28 Avril 2012). University Library Leiden in 1610 from Woudanus in ''Stedeboeck der Nederlanden'', Amsterdam: Willem Blaeu, 1649.
"Conspicilla" (The Spectacles Seller), Jan van der Straet (Giovanni Stradano), Florence (b.1523-d.1605).
After Jan van der (Giovanni Stradano) Straet - engraved by Jan Collaert and Joan Galle (1600-76)
Della Casa's Notebooks Reprise
Spine of Agnolo della Casa, BNCF MS. Palatino 867 [756 - 21, 2.] Serie Targioni, II, v. 3. Courtesy of Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze.
May 2014
Pebbles from Pavia
William Pars (1742‑1782) “A Bridge on the River Ticino, near Polleggio” c.1770. Graphite and watercolour on paper Image courtesy of the Tate Museum, London.
Let’s Dance
"Preparatio Animalium" from Treasure of the World
by Antonio Neri (1598-1600) MS Ferguson 67,
f .10r.
A Matter of Plagiarism
Francesco Lana Terzi (1631-1687), Courtesy of Wikimedia
Commons (Italy ).
Title page of Lana Terzi's Prodromo, Courtesy of Internet
Tinsel Glass
From Denis Diderot's Encyclopedia, machinery to hammer brass
into thin sheets. Volume 23, fig 13, plate 4.
A Deeper
From Antonio Neri, "Treasure of the World" MS
Ferguson 67, f .
From Beads to Belief
Flameworking a glass bead on a wire mandrel. Glass artist:
Lori Engle, photo by Paul Engle, 2005.
Scraping the Barrel
4th century BCE philosopher Diogenes, “Alexander and Diogenes” 1792
painting by Gaetano Gandolfi (1792). Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons:
The Importance of Being Diligent
Fennec fox pup, attribution unknown, born at the Everland Zoo in South Korea in September of 2008.
Don Antonio de’ Medici
Frontispiece from Pierfilippo Covoni, Don Antonio de' Medici Al Casino Di San Marco, Firenze, 1892. Image from personal collection of Paul Engle. There is a public domain copy here:
Washing Molten Glass
Washing, sorting and carrying cullet, from Denis Diderot 1772. Recueil des planches sur les sciences, les arts libéraux, et les arts mechaniques : avec leur explication, v. 10, plate 16. Paris : Briasson, 1772. Image courtesy of Corning Museum of Glass, featured (fig.3) in “Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Women Working with Glass,”
The Neri Chapel
The Vision of St Bernard (c. 1598), by Pietro Perugino (1448–1523). Current location: The Pinakothek Museums in the Kunstareal Munich. Image courtesy of Wikipedia,_apparizione_della_vergine_a_san_bernardo,_monaco.jpg
Eyes of a Lynx Reprise
The seal of the Academia dei Lincei. Courtesy of Accademia dei Lincei, Palazzo Corsini - Via della Lungara, 10, Rome.
Book of Secrets
Title page of Antonio Neri’s L’Arte Vetraria, 1612. Image courtesy of Google Books
April 2014
Primordial Matter
Mining practices, from Georgius Agricola (Georg Bauer), De Re Metallica 1556, Image courtesy of University of Arizona Mineral Museum. (1540 ed is here: )
Ceiling panel of entrance vestibule, 27 Borgo Pinti, Florence. Neri family coat of arms. Photo by Paul Engle, 2011.
Rosichiero Glass
Venice Sunset, Artist unknown, courtesy of "free wallpaper" at - Please contact me if you know the artist.
excelent presentation on color by the University of Oslo: Godparents III
Portrait of Alessandro Gondi as a child (1569) by Anguissola Sofonisba. Courtesy of Fondazione Federico Zeri, University of Bologna, entry #36011, container #0371.
Courtesy of ARCHIDIS - Fondo disegni tecnici del Comune di Firenze. Direction de Toscana place de Florence. Coupe du casin de S. Marc, prise sur la ligne. Cart. 5 tavola 1. sul retro: classe 1° Casino di S. Marco. n. 3 piante del casino della Livia - cav. Mazzei. Amfce 0533 (cass. 16 ins. A2). (
The Godparents II
Opening lines of Piero della Stufa’s MS. translating Luca della Robbia from Latin to Italian. Courtesy of Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Codex 461
The Godparents
Guido Reni (1575–1642), St Joseph with the Infant Jesus (c. 1635), at the Hermitage, in St. Petersburg. Oil on canvas. Courtesy of Wikipedia:,_c_1635.jpg
Carries the Palm
Assisi frescoes, entry into Jerusalem. Pietro Lorenzetti, 1320. Assisi, Lower Basilica, San Francesco, southern transept. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons:
Saint Justina of Padua with a palm frond, Bartolo Montagna 1490s, oil on wood. Courtesy of The Metropolital Museum of Art, Accession Number: 14.40.606.
Copper Sulfate (vitriol of copper), courtesy of Wikimedia Commons: Photo by: ‘Stephanb’
Glass Ornaments
Artist: Alyssa Ruklic (2011?) Acrylic paint inside clear glass ornaments. (a modern likeness of Antonio Neri's perscription) Pintarest Christmas ornament contest.
Bes image, Third Intermediate Period (ca. 1070–712 B.C.) Image courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. Egyptian Faience Purchase, Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1926 (26.7.878)
Salamander Reprise
Michael Maier, Atalanta fugiens, hoc est, Emblemata Nova de Secretis Naturae Chymica... (Oppenheim: Johann Theodori de Bry, 1617), emblem 29.
Window at Basilique Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres, located 80 km (50 mi) southwest of Paris, (constructed between 1194 and 1250). Photo by “Vassil”, image courtesy of Wikimedia commons:
Who Was Isaac Hollandus?
Illustration from: Isaac J. Hollandus, Chymische Schriften, Vienna 1773. Earlier 1666 ed is here (p. 13)
March 2014
Chalcedony Glass Reprise
Ribbed vessel, chalcedony glass, seventeenth century, 20 cm.
Collection of the Museo del Monastero di Santa Giulia, Brescia
Courtesy of Fondazione Marilena Ferrari.
Pure Technique
Filtering apparatus, Antonio Neri, MS Ferguson 67(1598-1600), f. 40r. Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.
The Béguines of Mechelen
A Béguine of Antwerp, from Pierre Hélyot, L'Histoire des ordres monastiques… 1719 (v.8) Courtesy of Google Books:
Sara VincxReprise
Detail from: Roses and an iris in a glass vase, crabs and prawns on a pewter platter, a Facon-de-Venise wineglass, a stoneware ewer, a bunch of grapes. By Alexander Adriaenssen b. 1587, Antwerp, d. 1661, Antwerp.
Red Like Blood
Dionysos in a ship, sailing among dolphins, bowl discovered at Vulci, Viterbo.Artist: Exekias (c. 530 BCE). Courtesy of Wikipedia:
Cross Pollination
The art of stonework, from MS Ferguson 67, f. 7r, (1598-1600)
Antonio Neri. Courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.
Women in Early Modern Alchemy Reprise
Antonio Neri, "Libro intitulato Il tesoro del mondo di Pietre Antonio Neri" (MS Ferguson 67, GB 0247, Glasgow University Library, Special Collections, 1598-1600) f. 25r, 35r, 37r.
Conciatore Turns One Hundred
Cover art from “Conciatore, The Life And Times of Seventeenth Century Glassmaker Antonio Neri” by Paul Engle. Courtesy of Heiden & Engle Publishing.
Friar Mauritio, Treasure of the world, (1598-1600) f.19v (detail)Antonio Neri. MS. Ferguson 67, courtesy of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.
Laughing In the Fern Reprise
Blätter des Manns Walfarn, by Alois Auer, Vienna: Imperial Printing Office, 1853. Courtesy of the Wikimedia foundation: Nature print, (,_Alois_Auer_.jpg).
Like Fathers, Like Sons
Alchemist(s) -Hans Weiditz , (c. 1520). Courtesy of Adam McLean, The Alchemy Web Site:
Borgo Pinti (part 2)
Palazzi Ximenes panciatichi da sangallo, courtyard. Photo by “Sailko”, courtesy of Wikipedia:,_cortile_01.JPG
Borgo Pinti
Palazzo Marzichi Lenzi, Florence. Photo by “Sailko”, courtesy of Wikipedia:
February 2014
Happy Birthday
Child in swaddling , Andrea della Robbia, Ospedale degli
Innocenti, Florence.
Photo: Kaushal Groningen, Netherlands 2007
Dyed In the Grain
Dyeing wool cloth, from "Des Proprietez des
Choses", Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1482. British Library Royal MS 15.E.iii,
folio 269 Image via Wikimedia Commons,_f._269_1482.jpg
Pictures of Neri
Antonio Neri, "Libro intitulato Il tesoro del mondo di Pietre
Antonio Neri" (MS Ferguson 67, GB 0247, Glasgow University Library,
Special Collections, 1598-1600), f.
Antonio Neri, "Libro intitulato Il tesoro del mondo di Pietre
Antonio Neri" (MS Ferguson 67, GB 0247, Glasgow University Library,
Special Collections, 1598-1600), f. xxvii-v (detail, rotation).
Neri Medallion, Specola, Florence (manipulated to remove parallax
distortion, and correct color) Original courtesy of Wikimedia commons,_medaglione_di_antonio_neri.JPG
A Question of Religion
Ordination of St.
Augustine, Ambrogio da Fossano (Il Bergognone) Photo
courtesy of Wikigallery
Spanish Ferretto
lchemistische Gefäße, (1681) u.a. Destillierhelm, Retorte
(detail) Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Glass or Rock?
Rock crystal ewer, Egypt(1000-1050), V&A Museum,
#7904-1862, Photo via Wikimedia Commons
Telling Time
The face of the clock at S.M Fiore in Florence,
Painted by Paolo Uccello (1443). Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons,
Dragon-stem goblet, Venice,
Italy, (or in
the Venetian style), 17th cent.
Courtesy of Corning Museum of Glass (# 51.3.118)
Gold Ruby Redux
A gold florin.(1347) Photo courtesy of Wikimedia commons
The Golden Nail
Portrait of Leonhard Thurneysser, Frans Floris de Vriendt
(1519/20 - 1570) Courtesy of
The Duke’s Oil
Trajan's Column, Rome
Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1758). Hind 51iii(of vii).
Etching and engraving, Plate 31 from the Vedute di Roma (Views of Rome).
Courtesy of R. E Lewis and Daughter
Saint Philip Neri
Saint Philip Neri, attr. unknown, prob. after Giovanni
Francesco Barbieri (Il Guernico), 1565
of Wikimedia commons
January 2014
Turning Iron into Copper
The recovery of copper from vitriolated waters,
from De Re Metallica, 1556, by Agricola (Georg Bauer).
Courtesy of BioMineWiki: File:
Antonio Altoviti
Tomb of Antonio Altoviti, Dei Santi Apostoli Church, Florence
Photo: I, Sailko, 2010. Courtesy of Wikipedia,_firenze,_interno,_altare_maggiore.JPG
Caterina Sforza
Caterina Sforza, by Lorenzo di Credi (c.1463-1509)
Now in the Museum
of Forlì (Pinacoteca Civica di Forlì, Italy)
Photo courtesy of:
Via Wikimedia Commons
Sandro Botticelli, Primavera (1498) Courtesy of Uffizi
Gallery, Florence,
via Wikimedia Commons
(detail - rightmost of the three graces)
The Glass Furnace
From "De re metallica", Agricola (Georg Bauer)
Georg Agricola, Zwölf Bücher vom Berg- und Hüttenwesen,
übers. v. Carl Schiffner, Berlin 1928, S. 502 ff. Scanned by Bibliothek für
Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Köln,
courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Botanical Gardens
Rudolf II as "Vertumnus" by the Milanese painter
Giuseppe Arcimboldo. (c. 1590),
Fleur-de-lis symbol on street of Florence. Photo © by Adrian Hancu, courtesy of 123rf stock photos, image ID: 13515032.
Mirror, Mirror On the Wall
Jan van Eyck, The Arnolfini Portrait (1434), National Gallery, London, courtesy of Wikipedia,
Detail of same.
A Painterly Inclination
The Conversion of Mary Magdalen, Reverse painted glass, French (?) 1660-75. Courtesy of Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Inventory number 146-1879.
Perfume and pasticche from the Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella. Photo © Lori Engle, January 2014.
Glass as Pasta
Paste gem and gold finger ring, 1600s, courtesy og The Museum of London, via
Lost and Found
Medici Archives, Florence. Photo courtesy of the Medici Archives, via
The Kabbalah
Kabbalistic Sephiroth Tree, from Portae Lucis, Paulus Ricius (Trans. of “Shaare ora” by Joseph Gikatilla) Augsburg, 1516.
Ferdinando’s Wedding
Orazio Scarabelli (1592), 1589 Naval Battle In The Courtyard Of The Palazzo Pitti.
Old Friends Not Be Forgot
Portrait of Giacinto Talducci (della Casa), Justus Sustermans. Courtesy of Pitti Palace, Inv. 1890 no. 4271.
I want to comment with Adam McLean on his choice of using white birds instead of the representative black birds, for duality.
ReplyDeleteFrontispiece woodcut from Zadith ben Hamuel De Chemia Senioris, 1566.
Coloured by Adam McLean.
This is very educational content and well for a change. It's nice to see that some people still understand how to write a quality post!